p90x nutrition guide for woman

Question to woman
Who does p90x to lose weight and gain some muscles and fallow nutrition guide?
I used to do p90x for 2 months but I never fallow nutrition guide. It's kind of hard to do it for me.


  • dragonflybird
    I just started P90X. I'm in my second week. I have not followed the nutrition guide.
  • Rackle9990
    I am currently doing P90X for my main form of exercise. I don't follow the nutrition guide even though I probably should. I just try to make sure I'm eating healthily. My biggest problem is that I constantly come in under my calorie goal for the day. With the amount of calories I'm burning I'm worried that I will end up going into starvation mode. However, if I try to shove anymore food down my throat I feel ill. Monday will be the first day of week 4 on P90, and I've only lost five lbs. so far.......I'm probably not the best one to respond to your question!
  • Lyg07
    Lyg07 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in my second round of P90X but I don't follow the nutrition guide. I've just ate healthier and kept tracked on MFP and I've still lost 21lbs and built up a good amount of muscle.
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    How much protein and carbs do you guys eat daily?