Looking for people who don't cook

Sounds strange? I don't "cook" beyond toasting bread, baking something in the oven or just throwing it in the microwave.

Any other people who do the same and are still losing weight? Would love to hear your advice and experience!


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Me, me, pick me!

    I don't really have time to cook, if I'm honest. Even if I do, I want basic things that don't take too long to put together, which is the kind of food my fiance very kindly cooks for me. Simple meals, with a few ingredients.

    People always post recipes that call for quite a few different ingredients and I always wonder where they get the money and the time from. Mostly the money.
  • Penelope10201
    Penelope10201 Posts: 13 Member
    I hate to cook! I think I should've been a man! But, I've been looking online a lot for quick 20 min meals that are healthy and doesn't look impossible to cook. It's helped me, so then I make a quick list and hit the food-store. I must say...I'm a googling girl lately!
    Good Luck!:drinker:
  • five04
    five04 Posts: 2
    My target meals are:

    Breakfast: Peanut butter sandwich, 1 pc fruit, small greek yogurt

    Lunch: Sandwich from local shop or turkey/cheese/lettuce wrap in tortilla

    Dinner: 1c rice, 1c vegetable (from frozen, raw) , 4oz meat (from frozen, precooked) prepared in rice cooker.

    Snacks: All the fruits & vegetables I can handle, sometimes a meal replacement drink.

    I definitely struggle, particularly w/ sweet tooth, but I don't think hating the stove is the issue. The biggest challenge for me is avoiding snacks/junk food at outside stores.
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    I should probably add that I'm vegetarian too :)

    Food for Life breads + Gardenburger patties:
    Each slice is only 80 calories, compared to 110+ for most other breads. They are made from sprouted grains which makes them chock full of nutrients.
    Compared to the tasteless Boca burgers, the patties taste much much better, 100 calories each too.
    Combine with cheese (100-110 calories) and I get a good lunch worth about 400 calories. This is much much better than most ready to order sandwiches out there.

    I usually throw in a pickle (worth about 15 calories) to get a nice tangy taste along with the sandwich.
  • Not cooking should actually make it easier to have less calories because you won't use any oils or butter. To get enough protein- eggs, soy, lentils. Basically just get a whole ton of fruits and veggies and avoid too much carbs and sugars. Snack foods that are good are dried fruit or nuts.
  • My hubby and I don't cook much at all. I'll spray a pan with Pam and scramble a couple of eggs . . . is that "cooking"? :) We live by the microwave. Lots of frozen veggies, Lean Pockets, whole wheat bread/pasta, fat free cheese, peanut butter, tuna. Haven't lost tons of weight by any means, but have maintained healthy weights for 44 and 50 years, respectively. My eyes glaze over at most recipes that call for 17 different ingredients, 16 of which we never have on hand. I give up. We eat healthy fresh stuff that doesn't require hours of preparation. We have lives and we work out regularly. I'd rather spend a half an hour lifting weights than measuring ingredients, personally!!! Welcome to MFP.
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    well i LOVE to cook and was a veg for 16 year (until 6mos ago!) and would be happy to give you any EASY and QUICK ideas! As much as I love cooking I hate spending/wasting time I dont have!
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a non-cooking vegetarian too! I eat a lot of Quiznos, Subway, and Milios subs :-) And cereal - lots of cereal :-) I like to cook but I just have no time for it. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Sounds strange? I don't "cook" beyond toasting bread, baking something in the oven or just throwing it in the microwave.

    Any other people who do the same and are still losing weight? Would love to hear your advice and experience!

    You are probably in for a MAJOR shock later in Life, even if you keep your weight down. That shock is: WHAT you eat is MORE/Just as important as HOW much you eat! You may be "Normal" weight, but have clogged arteries, or high blood pressure, or diabetes, or high cholesterol, or arthritis, or a bad back , or a combination of these things or even more>Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Heart Problems, Gout, ...WHY, because you ate poorly>>>Sodium/White Sugar/HFCS/Bad Fats/Refined Carb/Red Meat Laden Foods!

    If YOU don't cook, I HOPE someone who Loves for you Cooks and Cooks WELL (Understands and Practices Good Healthful Living.) Imagine if YOU were Paula Deens' son and you just found out that YOU HAD DIABETES.

    Oh yea...WHY do "WE" equate being a Vegetarian with being healthy?! There's NOTHING about eating a lot of high sodium/refined carbs/bad fat/sugary foods. You may as well swill down red meat by the pound for all the good you are doing to your body! And let's face it, an overweight vegetarian is doing just that, they are not eating healthily...so their thing MUST just be against killing animals for food.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I dont cook much as alot of my food is raw. I don't touch bread or dairy now and I try and avoid any processed foods. Its mega quick for me to prepare my meals. I have 100 grams of meat in the evenings and thats usually just steamed. Apart from that its all veg/leafy greens/nuts/seeds.
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    Sounds strange? I don't "cook" beyond toasting bread, baking something in the oven or just throwing it in the microwave.

    Any other people who do the same and are still losing weight? Would love to hear your advice and experience!

    You are probably in for a MAJOR shock later in Life, even if you keep your weight down. That shock is: WHAT you eat is MORE/Just as important as HOW much you eat! You may be "Normal" weight, but have clogged arteries, or high blood pressure, or diabetes, or high cholesterol, or arthritis, or a bad back , or a combination of these things or even more>Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Heart Problems, Gout, ...WHY, because you ate poorly>>>Sodium/White Sugar/HFCS/Bad Fats/Refined Carb/Red Meat Laden Foods!

    If YOU don't cook, I HOPE someone who Loves for you Cooks and Cooks WELL (Understands and Practices Good Healthful Living.) Imagine if YOU were Paula Deens' son and you just found out that YOU HAD DIABETES.

    Oh yea...WHY do "WE" equate being a Vegetarian with being healthy?! There's NOTHING about eating a lot of high sodium/refined carbs/bad fat/sugary foods. You may as well swill down red meat by the pound for all the good you are doing to your body! And let's face it, an overweight vegetarian is doing just that, they are not eating healthily...so their thing MUST just be against killing animals for food.

    No idea who Paula Deen is but I hear what you're saying and appreciate your advice :) Consuming sodium/sugar/HFCS etc that you point out, that's *exactly* what I was doing before i started tracking food on MFP. And yes, eating vegetarian had nothing to do with being healthy, it's an ethical choice I've made and obviously you can be totally unhealthy being vegetarian.

    I suspect that you don't really grow your own grains and fruit, nor do you own a cow... (or you could be a farmer :)) So 60% of what I eat is what most people eat without cooking their own - bread, milk, cereal, fruit etc. As for the other 40%, if you read every nutritional label on the things you buy, then it is possible to not cook or cook very very little and maintain a balanced, healthy diet. I've switched several of the foods I ate regularly (esp. the sandwiches) once I started tracking on MFP. So I heed your warning, but you shouldn't equate not cooking with eating garbage all the time.
  • I don't cook. I have been doing PINK Method and the best thing is that the things I am allowed to eat are basically things I can cook.
