How long?

How long does it take the Depo shot to get out of someones system? My last shot was November 10th. I'm due for one now but I don't want to get it since I'm finally under 130lbs. I'm hoping to see more weight loss once the shot is out of my system. This would've been my 4th shot.


  • melissammundy
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    Can't say for sure, except that it's different for everyone. Hormones are tricky. I took a month off of birth control over summer to get a head start on weight loss and it seemed to help. But I've noticed my body change more in the last couple weeks than I have in a long time, just from working out and watching what I eat, even on the pill.
    That being said, I've heard that depo is one of the higher weight-gain birth control options, so maybe consider switching to a different one if it's making weight loss impossible and you feel comfortable with the idea.