Where did the motivation go?!

So I am sitting here the same weight I was 4 months ago. :sad: I know alot of the issue now is that I have pretty much gotten to a "maintain" state of mind. With 80lbs down and only 20lbs to go I seem to have hit a brick wall. I work out a lot still but have been going over my calories because I am finding it way to easy to say yes to eating whatever is easiest and handiest. I keep thinking that I have worked so hard and have pay off, but need to lose more so workout hard, but I cannot get my eating in check. If you have had this issue, or are having this issue what is a good way to break through this mindset? And some good snack ideas to keep sugar cravings at bay would be great!

Thank you in advance! :smile:


  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    http://www.hearthealthyonline.com/healthy-recipes/cooking-nutrition-tips/sweet-fixes_ss1.html 20 sweet fixes for about 50 calories! Hooray!

    As for motivation, I have cosplay conventions I go to every few months. And all of my cosplay friends camp out in the gym when it gets close to time so if I want to see them, I have to go to the gym and work out, lol.
  • mizzdivat
    mizzdivat Posts: 67 Member
    I struggle with this also. I try to stay busy, go to bed early, eat fruit instead of sweets, nuts are good too to fight cravings/hunger. Probably not much help, but it's what I been trying to do.
  • cassblue21
    Thanks! I think I need to take up knitting or something where my hands will stay busy so I cannot grab for food! :P
  • skreal89
    I am going through the same situation. I used to get so excited every time I saw the scale dip even 2 pounds. Now it seems like I am just happy as long as it doesn't go up! I'm sure there's some psychological issue involved with me but I just keep watching inspirational videos on youtube or just watching a really good movie always helps me realize that I need to keep going. The reason I got so large in the first place was that I became content so right now I am just trying to do the opposite of content! It is so hard to turn down good food, especially when out and about with friends/family. You are soooo close! Just try to imagine what it will feel like to reach your goal weight! I haven't achieved anything I have set out to do for pretty much my whole life so I just see my continued success as another step towards the rest of my life. That's just where I am at. It shows a lot that you posted something about it though!!!