Limited Space to Workout

In my room I have about a 4ft x 1ft space to workout. I do Turbo Jam (when I feel like dealing with Chalene's annoying voice) and it's just enough room to mimic the routines for the 20 Minute workout.

I want to be able to do more than pretend I'm kicking through a door. Apparently cardio isn't enough to lose weight so I need to add more.

No, I can't make more room. I live at home with my mother, step father, two younger sisters and my 8 yr old. The living room is never free...EVER. That also eliminates the use of furniture like chairs. I can't afford a gym, and my neighborhood is probably one of the worst places to go for a jog. I could go play IN traffic lol that'll be one hell of a workout.

So any ideas? No being negative so don't jump me about this. I'm actually trying.


  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I have a very small elliptical that I got off Amazon.

    It's about 1.5 foot by 9 inches, I estimate. It KILLS my legs, and is a great aerobic and muscle building tool. I will admit-- I don't enjoy it. I'd rather do the Wii Zumba, walk, etc. But on days that I don't do those, and have a movie I want to watch, I put it in front of the TV, and get to work.

    It tracks time/steps/calories.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I have a very small elliptical that I got off Amazon.

    It's about 1.5 foot by 9 inches, I estimate. It KILLS my legs, and is a great aerobic and muscle building tool. I will admit-- I don't enjoy it. I'd rather do the Wii Zumba, walk, etc. But on days that I don't do those, and have a movie I want to watch, I put it in front of the TV, and get to work.

    It tracks time/steps/calories.

    A little more clarification-- I do 20 minutes of Zumba, and it's a great workout. But after 5 minutes on the elliptical, I'm hurting. I do it in 5 minute increments at this point, adding up to 1/2 hour. So it really is a great workout in a very limited space. Good luck!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    hi there, i know how it feels to have no room to workout - thats how i started out.

    check out there are some amazing workouts on there and lots to be found that are equipment free, they really are fantastic workouts - they use bodyweight training so that you are doing strength training and cardio (which is what you need to get fit) but using your own body weight instead of equipment.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @cygnetpro: Thanks for the link. I checked it out and it looks like it'll get the job done
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Never tried Kettlebells, but I've seen ads for Kettle Worx. It looks pretty good although it's promising what most infomercials promise.