i gave up... BUT IM BACK NOW

im sarah from Melbourne, Australia, i turn 20 in march and am after i dont know support? suggestions i guess?

so after a while of using MFP i gave up.. for what reason i can not entirely understand, i had lost 5kg within a few weeks and was feeling great, until the cans of coke and midnight snacks crept back into my life, and i have been 83.0kg for the past 4 weeks, no movement NOTHING, even though i have started exercising and eating better again, not quite sure where to go from here

really confused, and contemplating what i am doing right, or wrong at least

ANY HELP AND FRIEND REQUESTS are much appreciated :)
thankyou :smile:


  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    I started at 81 kg, dropped it to 78kg and then gained it back within a month and a half. I couldnt get rid of those snacks either. I joined MFP and lost 1 kg. Working hard not to go back to my old habits.. really hard. Whats your goal weight?
  • i want to weigh between 55kg to 65kg, i guess i havnt planned an exact weight yet, but id be heading more to 55kg,

    i have kicked aside soft drink, well at least non diet and sugar free soft drink, but i really want to get rid of it all in general, whats your goal weight? & where abouts are you from? :)
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    Getting rid of all soft drinks is a great start. Drinking 8 cups of water is also good even though Ill admit that Im having troubles doing that. :P It definitely takes time to see results sometimes and its easy to give up.. thats why I go online here and get great support from people, spend time on the boards learning new stuff or look back at my old food logs and see how far Ive come.
    (even if the logs arent that great, the fact ive been dutifully doing them haha)

    My goal weight right now is 60 kgs. And Im from Canada!
  • yeah i heard about drinking loads of water, cleanses your body or something along the lines of that! i know how easy it is to give up i think i lost count of how many times ive given up, but i guess the new year changed alot for me, kind of realised i needed to kick my butt back into gear, so here i am, just like you starting fresh haha :)

    60kgs, awesome, well we will both get there with all the hard work and such,
    and your from canada thats awesome, australia is a very.. very long way away haha :)
  • Hi my name is Hayley I am from Perth, I am a single mum of a 4 year old little boy & work full time. Life is very busy for us I had lost 16kg my heaviest being 105kg but have gained some back currently sitting on 97.4kg :( so the struggle beings again. I have recently started using this app on my iphone and I love it..........................looking forward to loosing weight and feeling fabulous and setting the best example I can for my boy.

    I train twice a week with a group of girls & a PT was a member of a gym till i moved out on my own with my little man now it is hard to get to gym when juggling work, daycare, school & training but I will get there no more excuses.

    What do you guys do to motivate you ?

    Hayley :)
  • Sarah dont lose heart. I am a constant snacker and kind of still fighting to get to my goal weight, but what I can vouch for sure is 2000 I was 56 kilos and today I fluctuate between 48-49 kilos (11 years on)
    The thing that was consistent with me was excercise.....3 times a week (cardio) and once a week Yoga. all these years.
    Once I got more money I invested in a personal trainer for 1 boxing session and 1 weight session - but this has been only in the past 2 years.

    Till I was 35 I excercise and ate pretty much what I wanted...not gorged but chocolates, muffins, cakes etc. Post 35 you HAVE to watch what you eat there is no other way.

    I have learned to love brocollli and "hate" pizza. I do extensive reading...I read diet books, fitness sites, food sites all the time and I have knowledge. Do I always act on it no but I do know WHAT I am doing wrong

    I snack LOVE sugar and eat all the time ( which affects my insulin spike hence puts a dampner on weight loss) but I know if I can keep my constand snacking under control I will reach my goal weight like that ! but easier said than done.
    inspite of all the knowledge I have been trying to get to my goal weight for 7 years now

    So basically what I am saying is its tough but it CAN be done.Being aware is the first step

    For me excercise was the easiest thing that I could get hooked onto, food still a battle
  • Hi Hayley, sounds like you have got so much going on! i guess being 19 i dont really well cant really understand what its like to juggle all of that stuff and still find time to concentrate on being fit and getting into shape,

    to motivate myself, i keep my own little track record of my weight on my wall, so when i wake up i can see the progress ive made over this long time, and i also have posted a picture of the body i want on my wall... with my head over the girls head haha! believe me some times it can be sad to look at but sometimes its awesome and it motivates me to get to where i want to go! next to the picture i have one of myself at my starting weight 90.5kg, for a little while too i did a little video diary each day, and after looking at the ones that ran over 4 weeks, i myself could see the change in my body and my face,

    i guess its the little things that keep you going, all the small stuff! just remember to keep your head high :)


    Noorkitty, great to hear your still consistant with your exercising and fitness, i hope one day i can invest a little money in boxing classes, apparently its a great way to get fit and healthier... and learning to fight too haha :)

    i guess when i first started i wanted to loose my weight... as quickly as possible, but after the first couple of weeks i realised it was something i wanted to do gradually, in my own time, for me. and that helped out alot, since i was 16 i started to gain my weight back, while all the other girls walked around with hardly any clothes on and their amazing bodies, (not that thats what i want to do!) i just want to be comfortable in my own skin, for me.

    thankyou for your input and suport :)
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    I think what motivates me is my "dream board" along with a list of things I cant wait to do once I reach my goal.
    My dream board is basically a tack-on board filled with cut out magazine images of what I wish for in the future that my weight is holding me back from achieving. And my list of things that Ill do include..

    - professional photo shoot
    - haircut and highlights
    - bikini on trip exchange

    And yeah, Australia is quite far. :P