What can you eat?

Can you eat whatever you want?


  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I guess you could eat whatever you want and stick to your calorie goal but you would really want all the food you eat to really count. If you want McDonald's sure you can have it but it would be so much better for you to have a homemade turkey burger on a whole wheat bun with a low calorie cheese and some baked sweet potato fries and a side salad. You'll get more nutrition and a whole lot less fat which is better for you. Also since it will be lower in calories you'll have more calories left to eat more food, so just try and make every calorie you eat be a beneficial as you can but it is ok to treat yourself once and a while.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Yes, whatever you want. Remember, this journey is about you and every person is different. What works for someone else might not work for you - experiment a little, and see what makes you happy.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I don't rule any foods out because it's too fattening..... but I do stop and ask myself how this treat is going to affect my whole program.....how much can I have without putting myself off track, have I treated myself lately? and am I going to be ok if I go up a little as a result......

    Seems like a big process but once you get the hang of it you've worked it all out even before your hand is reaching for the plate and it feels great to both allow myself a treat some days.... or to say no thank you.... and know that it really was MY choice :)
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Yep-I've had pasta, homemade strawberry/banana ice cream and pizza in the past week.
    Major differences-portion sizes, made ice cream with less sugar and had 2 pieces of pizza and a big salad instead of my normal 4-6 slices of pizza. I refuse to give up any food. I just plan ahead and do portion control.
  • LivingyoungErin76
    I love to cook and I love to eat. I eat alot of the "healthy stuff" but I see nothing wrong with eating some of the other stuff every now and again. I like what the previous poster said about finding alternatives like the sweet potato fries and turkey burgers. Substitutions like that can really help fight a craving and be more nuritious as well.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Absolutely, but here is the thing, when you eat more whole grains, fruits, vegis ect you will stay fuller longer and feel better. That being said as long as you met goal you will lose. Over time you will learn to substitute. I used to think that whole wheat flour, ground turkey, ect. was "yucky" but now I love that I can have all the yummy foods I used to in a healthy, filling, lower calorie way. Good luck on your journey and try not to get overwhelmed.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    It's been a while since I have eaten pizza and hot chips, because they don't fill me up very much for the calories.

    Nearly everything else, including cheesecake, is fair game. I just make sure I fit the bad stuff into my calories and macros.
  • cheninaerin
    I can eat whatever I want in moderation. I choose to eat healthy rather than junk & processed foods because it makes me feel good, but I have pizza and pasta and cookies every so often as well.
  • myfit8900
    Yes, do not limit your food. Just make better choices, and portion size is important. Never let food have power over you.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I can eat whatever I want, but I won't and I don't. If I did I'd end up being unhealthy and a lot bigger probably...haha

    My main focus through the week is eating a lot of veggies and lean proteins. I focus on high fibre foods as well. I maintain a low calorie intake around 1310 calories per day...and then on the weekends I leave room for a cheat or two...
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I pretty much eat whatever I want. I figure this is a lifestyle change not a diet so I try to eat things I can keep up for the rest of my life.

    We did cut out most red meat and switched to turkey...ground turkey or ground chicken instead of beef. We do still have the occasional hamburger or steak but we've discovered that it now just feels too heavy and uncomfortable. We also cut out boxed dinners (like hamburger helper and stuff that was pre-made). We cut down on bread and buy the 45cal/slice sara lee when we do get bread.

    However, all of the things we cut out, we don't really miss. We've gotten a little more creative with our meals and tend to do small variations on the same few meals but it works for us. We still go out for pizza when we feel like it, we still buy chicken strips but we check the nutrition and get the lowest cal avail and pay attention to the serving size. We still buy chips (not often but maybe a bag every few weeks) and we still have "sweets" every night...switching from ice cream to frozen yogurt and 90 calorie brownies/granola bars.

    Nothing that we've changed is hard to keep up in the future so we never really feel like we're on a diet. Yeah, there are some days that are better than others but I think our total loss together just proves that it's working. Both of us have a general idea of what our calories are and can pretty much stay at our goal without logging every now and then.

    Feel free to hit me up if you have any ?'s
  • ShantaScruggs89
    ShantaScruggs89 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you ladies for all of your support and advise I have a better understanding now. :-)