Exercise is so boring.



  • Nyeesha
    Nyeesha Posts: 54
    You have to switch it up .. Try stuff like zumba .. Line dancing.. hip hop aerobics.. Water aerobics.. Doing the same thing will get boring sometimes
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Try pole dancing. Sexy and a hell of a work out ;D
  • p0stdramatic
    I know you said that you prefer exercising alone. I used to be the same way, but I hated exercising. I finally joined a group fitness center. It was the best thing I could have done. I need something else to look forward to besides the exercise. Group fitness is FUN, I look forward to going, and it helps keep me accountable. Now I'm just addicted to exercise, no matter where I do it.
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    I talk with the voices in my had whilst walking that is quite fun
    But serious: You say you walk but think it is boring, you listen to music during it. Change the music, get something dfferent and try to walk matching the beat, might look stupid but that way you get more distracted.
    And walking can be seen easily as "no excercise" - where do you walk outside or on a treadmill. If outside, take different routes, don't think about it as an excercise but an excursion to learn something about the area for example. For example say to yourself okay lets go out today to walk down that street on the left and see if something has changed. Or, lets see if there is already spring stuff like that.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,975 Member
    At first, I joined Curves, and I love it. I have added English Country dancing, Zumba classes, and a boot camp class. The more you do -- the easier it gets. Now, I sometimes have trouble sitting still -- a BIG change for a lifelong couch potato!

    Good luck!
  • growlbaby
    I agree with you.. I personally don't find walking to be very fun at all!! I got the Richard Simmons Sweating To The Oldies DVD's and they are fun! I totally feel like a nerd doing it, but what makes it better is my husband does them with me and we don't stop laughing the whole time we are exercising together. I don't know if that helps.. but I do wish you luck!

    Take care!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I always considered exercise to be a dirty word. Then I started going to Zumba classes. Oh my! Love my Zumba! I now go five days a week to Zumba classes, sweat my tail off every time, and have a hard time wiping the grin off my face because it is so much fun!

    Try different types of exercise to see what is the best fit for you. If you enjoy it, believe me, you will stick with it. Boring exercise usually becomes no exercise. That's my experience!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Might consider classes or personal training. Or you might want to up the intensity, and spice it up by mixing high intensity cardio with circuit training (this will mean you burn as many calories as a longer walk, but in far less time)..

    eg. this was my exercise for today;

    warm up x 5 mins on treadmill, walking fast & working my way up to a jog
    30 step ups holding weights (or 30 seconds worth)
    30 push ups
    30 squats
    30 sit ups
    30 tricep dips
    plank for as long as possible

    then do this for another couple of sets

    Get back on the treadmill

    5 mins warm up
    10 mins interval training (1 min jog, 1 min brisk walk for 10 mins)

    Worked out to be 35-40 mins worth, burned about 350 calories and wasn't bored at all
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I was also a lonely exerciser, and I got bored fast :grumble: :yawn: . Then, like a lot of people here apparently, I joined group fitness classes for both cardio and toning stuff. I do one cardio and one toning class of each 50 minutes per week day usually, like body sculpt, trike zone, thighs butt and abs toning class, and tae bo, rebound cardio, fat burn, rebound combat for cardio workouts. My gym organizes "parties" every friday evening, where we work out while in costume : pirates of the caribbean zumba and batuka party, army tae bo party, a boot camp party, rebound pajama party, rock n roll cardio slim and fat burn party (both are supercardio classes) and then a ninja strike zone party. How could I not have fun? I tend to burn anything from 300 to 700 calories depending on the workout, it's always fun and the time flies. How else could i spend 100 minutes a day in the gym?

    I would therefore advise you to try a group class, maybe pilates at first, so you don't overdo it, or some yogilates (its a combination between yoga and pilates). I dont know whether strike zone is something that is offered where you live (its a rather new program designed in Italy) but at my gym, there's even seniors participating and the intensity can be adapted on each participant, so its excellent for beginners too.

    Another workout that I like doing at home, if I dont have time for anything else, are workouts from bodyrock tv (google it). they are short interval workouts (about 20 minutes) but kick *kitten* because they are pretty high intensity. The trainer shows more variations depending on fitness (from really easy to murder :sick: ) and they just fly by because in 20 minutes you have to get in as many reps as possible, so you don't even have time to focus on anything else.

    Also, for the pole-dancing class lady.. AWESOME!!!! Its one of the best workouts available. Have you ever seen a tournament? they are absolutely fascinating.

    Keep on rockin' everyone! :bigsmile:
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Sounds like you are yet to find your soulmate workout. Your soulmate workout is something that you love to do, and you feel better knowing you are going to do it, you are doing it , or have just finished it.

    Whether or not you have do it or not, write down all the sports you watch (if any), or you would like to try or that interests you.
    Then try some of them out. You need to give it a go at least 3 times to decide whether it's a yay or a nay.

    I did not write the following, but it will help you to find what you do like or don't like

    1. Circle your preference of the characteristics below.
    Indoor or outdoor?
    Group or solo?
    Team or individual?
    Dance or athletic?
    Competitive or noncompetitive?
    Slow and steady or fast and furious?
    High-impact, low-impact, or nonimpact?
    Music or silence?
    Very coordinated, somewhat coordinated, or two left feet?

    2. Answer the questions below.
    The sport you enjoy the most is:
    What were you doing the last time you felt young and alive while exercising?

    What types of exercise do you find mundane or torturous?

    What kind of music inspires you?
    In what kind of environment do you find you work the hardest? Group? Solo? On a team?

    What types of activities or sports did you most enjoy in your youth?

    Do you work out harder or with greater intensity when in the presence of others?

    Is fashion and people watching interesting to you?
    Do you need an opportunity to clear your mind and be alone?
    Do you meditate?
    If you could go back in time and have really mastered a sport or activity, what would that be?

    What sport or activity do you enjoy watching on TV?

    3. Reread the list of adjectives you’ve transferred to the right-hand column. Now reread your replies to the list of questions above and, together, summarize the type of exercise or activities you might have described. In some instances, you might be inventing your own:
    4. You’re going to date your workout now. Don’t worry, this is gonna be fun. Even the worst dates teach you something about yourself. Dating workouts will add zest to your weekly routine and maybe even give you a chuckle. As I always say, “Mistakes burn calories, too!”
    List the types of activities you hereby commit to “trying” in the next 7 days.
    This is not junior high PE. If you’re not good at something on your first day, no one is going to judge you. No one is good at something on the first try. Lose the ego and learn to enjoy.
    When trying something new, everyone feels a little bit like an idiot. No one ever died from embarrassment. But it doesn’t hurt to do a little prep work before your first date.
    Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make things easier on yourself by calling ahead and finding out what you need to succeed.
    What to wear
    What to expect
    How to best prepare
    How much it costs
    What kind of equipment you need
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    You've got to find the exercise that clicks for you. Maybe walking isn't it. I hate walking. I find it really boring.It could be tennis, swimming, weight lifting. I suggest trying everything until you find the one that inspires you.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Totally agree with you, I also struggle to find something that keeps my interest long term.

    I started the 30 day shred 10 days ago and am finding it something that I can stick to as it's "only" 20 minutes a day and because of that I don't see it as a chore, even though I'm doing it every day. Any more than 20 mins and I'm seriously clock watching and waiting for it to be over! But for me, it's a start and I've started to see inch loss already so I aim to keep it up.

    I do think it's easier if you have an exercise buddy as the time you spend on exercise passes by a lot quicker so you're more likely to keep going and also you have the support of a friend on days when you would rather poke your eyes out than make the effort to exercise!

    Good luck with it, I hope you can find something that suits you.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    All ive done is walk. Its not that its too easy. I listen to music but walking isnt fun. I want to be able to exercise and have so much fun doing it that i cant wait to do it again.

    so it's Walking you find boring not exercise :flowerforyou: .

    I don't blame you then, walking alone with no one to talk to would suck!!

    I haven't read all the thread but I'm sure there will be a trend of trying new things, getting out there, meeting people and finding something you love.

    I've got a loooong story of weight loss and finding exercise for fun - but it'd bore you.
    But from personal experience I can truly tell you - you CAN exercise with people and find it fun, you CAN find an exercise that makes you smile, feel achievement and even cohesion! Feeling like you 'belong' to a sport or club is a real draw in keeping you coming back - give it a go!

    Hope you find something you enjoy. Fitness for me is much more than just exercising.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Being nearly 500 lbs. when I started walking is all I could do. I never liked treadmills and I found at the time lifting weights at a gym intimidating. After a few months as my fitness level improved, I got bored with just walking and started mixing in jogging. Doctor and family was like "nooo your too fat you'll destroy your joints." I never did listen. I took it slow and careful. I brought music or a friend to talk to. I've improved alot and have even completed a few 5K's.

    After about a year, losing more and more weight I felt confident about myself and I joined a YMCA . I lift weights on a regular basis now, took up swimming and have been going to a Zumba class for a few months now. I suck at it :bigsmile: and I stick out being one of 3 guys in a class full of about 20-30 women. But I have fun so I still go.

    You just have to find something you enjoy to do. I don't even think of it as excercise anymore.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I watch tv via the Wii, BBC Iplayer (catch up tv) etc
    Sometimes I watch cookery programs like Master Chef lol! I am drooling, cycling at the same time :bigsmile:
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Being nearly 500 lbs. when I started walking is all I could do. I never liked treadmills and I found at the time lifting weights at a gym intimidating. After a few months as my fitness level improved, I got bored with just walking and started mixing in jogging. Doctor and family was like "nooo your too fat you'll destroy your joints." I never did listen. I took it slow and careful. I brought music or a friend to talk to. I've improved alot and have even completed a few 5K's.

    After about a year, losing more and more weight I felt confident about myself and I joined a YMCA . I lift weights on a regular basis now, took up swimming and have been going to a Zumba class for a few months now. I suck at it :bigsmile: and I stick out being one of 3 guys in a class full of about 20-30 women. But I have fun so I still go.

    You just have to find something you enjoy to do. I don't even think of it as excercise anymore.

    Truly amazing story and weight loss! Well done!! Truly inspirational.

    I started running too heavy too - 8 years ago. I didn't keep up running after my goal of doing a 5k but did keep up my exercise in other ways - I started riding horses (a life long dream). I still ride, added belly dancing recently and have returned to couch to 5k to do a 5k this year.. shocked that even though i'm more active I've lost the running fitness - so back to it!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    All ive done is walk. Its not that its too easy. I listen to music but walking isnt fun. I want to be able to exercise and have so much fun doing it that i cant wait to do it again.

    Try home workout DVDs, Xbox Kinect or Wii for some more lively movement, or try a martial arts class, attend a dance class or Zumba, or a Spin class at your local gym. There are many more exercises beyond walking that are far, far, faaaar more fun :)
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    If you're walking outside, take an iPod or camera? If you're walking inside the house on a treadmill, try the Leslie Sansone DVDs rather than using the treadmill. I personally don't like to read a book or watch TV when I'm on the treadmill, I like to concentrate on my workout haha but that is a personal preference.

    Try a dance DVD or something by Jillian Michaels? Dance and exercise games on the Wii or Xbox 360 if you have the consoles.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I love xbox kinect- Just Dance 3, Dance Central are my two favorites and my girls can play along. But my favorite thing to do is walk/run on the treadmill or outside. I love to just grab my iPod and totally zone out for an hour or so. I often hold lengthy conversations with the voices in my head- until they piss me off then I turn up the music and ignore them :happy: I also think about things I'd like to write about in my blogs.... My mom loves to do those walking dvd's .... Yoga is an awesome workout- especially YogaX (P90X) .. if you can slow your mind down enough to get into it. I, myself, cannot! Damn voices!!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I have the same trouble. Going to the gym is expensive, lets say membership to the YMCA. They just finished renovating the Y in Bangor, so it might be worthwhile. The Y is 17 miles one way for me, so with the price of gas, I have decided not to join. I used to belong to planet fitness, only cost $10 a month. Same travel issue, 17 miles one way. So, I have opted to use the Wii. The only program that I really like is the "Walk It Out" video, Liz on the video looks and acts like a teen telling me she is going to kick my butt. Cute. Anyways, I like the video, it is easy and satisfying to me and yesterday did it for 45 minutes. As long as I can keep with it, that is the important thing. I would like to try Zumba or Just Dance 2. Just finding something that is satisfying to do is half the battle.