Help with foods for those with low iron!!!!

Hiya, Basically I'm anaemic and I need to eat to keep myself from getting run down and dizzy, but whats healthy that will bring my blood sugar up, and will stop me getting the shakes and stuff that I can snack on during the day? Thanks x


  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hey girl, I was right there with you before I had my hysterectomy. There were many times that I would stand up and totally black out. I could not get enough iron from foods (mainly vegetarian with some female issues) I ate so I started taking an iron supplement, WOW is all I can say. Totally changed my life.

    Here are some iron rich foods that you can try

    Spinach (or any green leafy veg)
    beans - any type but my preference is black and lentils
    chicken livers
    Egg yolks as well

    I would go out and get a bottle of iron supplement if I were you. They are cheap and easy.
  • SquishiiKiwii
    Hey!! Nice to know someone who understands! haha I'm taking iron supplements now 200mg tablet every day with orange juice, but I'm not allowed to take more than 1 a day until I get the results of my blood test which I go for on the 10th feb! it's so annoying!! Plus I'm running around after a 16 month old too! The iron supplements really have helped so much!! I'm also on extra vitamin & mineral tablets too to help balance out my hormones which went haywire after having my little boy so! Lots of things being pumped into my body atm haha :( Thanks so much for the list of foods! I shall be going down to the supermarket and getting some bits today!! xx
  • bettermomma28
    bettermomma28 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am so glad to know that I'm not alone out here. I had low iron for a long time due to female issues. I haven't had a hysterectomy (yet), but a few months ao I had an ablasion. It has helped alot. I used to take an iron suplement on top of my regular multivitamin just to be able to function. I am doing much better after the ablasion, but it may not be a permanent fix. I still try to eat high iron foods. I eat spinach on a daily basis, broccoli, and beans, several times a week. I do eat red meat, but not very often. If you like veggie soup, kale is a great add in. Also, if you like sushi, the Nori seaweed is also very high in iron. Good Luck to you. You definately need to keep your energy up to chase your little one. I fought with this for the past 7 years and didn't really know what was going on until about 2 years ago. I am glad you are taking care of it now.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hi! I am so glad to know that I'm not alone out here. I had low iron for a long time due to female issues. I haven't had a hysterectomy (yet), but a few months ao I had an ablasion. It has helped alot. I used to take an iron suplement on top of my regular multivitamin just to be able to function. I am doing much better after the ablasion, but it may not be a permanent fix. I still try to eat high iron foods. I eat spinach on a daily basis, broccoli, and beans, several times a week. I do eat red meat, but not very often. If you like veggie soup, kale is a great add in. Also, if you like sushi, the Nori seaweed is also very high in iron. Good Luck to you. You definately need to keep your energy up to chase your little one. I fought with this for the past 7 years and didn't really know what was going on until about 2 years ago. I am glad you are taking care of it now.

    Good luck to you. You look pretty young so I doubt a hysterectomy is in the cards for you any time soon but I will have to say that I would do it TWICE over again! I suffered from endo and fibriods in my uterine wall,.(probably the reason I was never able to have kids). When I found out I had to have it I was in mourning and was so scared. Now I can say it is one of the best things I ever did for myself. I had it done laparopscopic so I have two very small scars on my tummy.

    Female problems are no joke that is for sure.

    (now I am waiting for a guy to come in that has a profile pic of him with no shirt on to come give us some advice on how to fix our female problems hehe)
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I understand too. After taking 600mg/day for 6 months I am on a waiting list for IV treatments. Its been 10 years of dealing with it and in those years I've been through 3 pregnancies, 2 icu trips after medivac flights, 1 blood transfusion and 1 iv treatment, and 5 surgeries. (I'm only 26) I'm ready to feel better,any time now.
  • SquishiiKiwii
    I became anaemic when I miscarried in 2009 the hospital couldn't find a vein in my arm for like 20 minutes, in the whole 20 minutes I was telling them that they wouldn't find a vein and that they needed to do it out of my hand. Not one person out of the 5 people who tried taking blood from me to test me for anaemia listened to me so I didn't know if I was anaemic or not!!!!! (This is also the hospital that I spent 6 yes SIX DAYS in labour Established labour at that 4cm+ in with absolutely no pain relief because they didn't offer me any AND there wasn't enough to go round all the ladies who were giving birth!!
    Anyway and so like every month I become anaemic again! It's extremely frustrating and I can't do anything until I have the blood tests done then I can ask for some treatment for it every month that's not just iron supplements.

    It really is nice to know that I'm not alone with this. I do try to eat iron rich foods as much as I can. Good job I like brocolli really isn't it haha! x
  • RedHeadChick
    RedHeadChick Posts: 39 Member
    Another thing to consider is how well do you absorb the nutrients you are taking. A friend of mine has a large issue with her iron as well. She doesn't absorb it well in pill form and has had to go to a liquid form to get any imporvement.
  • SquishiiKiwii
    I might have to ask my doc for it in liquid form because the only one I can buy only has 7mg iron init o.O and it's got other nutrients and crap init so can't take more than the dosage on the box!! Sucks assss x
  • itsallyson
    itsallyson Posts: 24 Member
    PUMPKIN SEEDS! 1 serving has 10 percent of your daily iron need :)
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I might have to ask my doc for it in liquid form because the only one I can buy only has 7mg iron init o.O and it's got other nutrients and crap init so can't take more than the dosage on the box!! Sucks assss x

    You can get iron supplements at any pharmacy, just plain iron. There are two different kinds (in Canada anyway) red and green. Red is stronger. Your doc should really be telling you what kind and what dose though, its not something to play around with. We can also get the liquid iron at out health food store.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    The last conversation I had with a doctor pretty much said that red meat and spinach (or other leafy greens) have iron in them. You can also try cooking with cast iron skillets and hope that the iron leaches out into your food.

    She did say that it's pretty hard for menstruating women to get enough iron through food, because our reserves are regularly depleted.

    I didn't pay much attention to the conversation though, because I'm not currently anemic and I don't menstruate regularly. I was just seeing this doc while my normal doc was out on paternity leave. Since it's common for women of my age, she felt the need to talk about it, I guess.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Hiya, Basically I'm anaemic and I need to eat to keep myself from getting run down and dizzy, but whats healthy that will bring my blood sugar up, and will stop me getting the shakes and stuff that I can snack on during the day? Thanks x

    Anemia is low iron.. you speak of low blood sugar... hypoglycemia 2 different conditions
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I became anaemic when I miscarried in 2009 the hospital couldn't find a vein in my arm for like 20 minutes, in the whole 20 minutes I was telling them that they wouldn't find a vein and that they needed to do it out of my hand. Not one person out of the 5 people who tried taking blood from me to test me for anaemia listened to me so I didn't know if I was anaemic or not!!!!! (This is also the hospital that I spent 6 yes SIX DAYS in labour Established labour at that 4cm+ in with absolutely no pain relief because they didn't offer me any AND there wasn't enough to go round all the ladies who were giving birth!!
    Anyway and so like every month I become anaemic again! It's extremely frustrating and I can't do anything until I have the blood tests done then I can ask for some treatment for it every month that's not just iron supplements.

    It really is nice to know that I'm not alone with this. I do try to eat iron rich foods as much as I can. Good job I like brocolli really isn't it haha! x

    I am a Lab Techician... I believe that the patient has the right to ask to be draw anywhere that is safe.. some people say hand draws are better.. good luck