It was all going so well....not anymore

This time I thought I had cracked my weight loss I had a programe that was working, slowly but working! I thought that because I had done things moe sensibly than in the past that mentally everything was just falling into place. Didn't realise just how wrong I was. On Thursday last week I got some bad news about my mum being ill again, at first I got upset and went to the gym, so far so good. Got home had a shower, sat down and began to cry about it all, then came the snacking! The awful thing is that I dont know exactly what I ate. Friday, was another really bad day....take away for dinner. Then came yesterday and another day of eating crap, and rediculous amounts of it, being sad and by this point also feeling sorry for myself. Because I was stressed and because of what was going on at home. But I also started to feel annoyed at myself for not dealing with this better!

I know how hard I worked to lose weight since October and I feel as if I have let myself down and in some ways my family and also my trainer. I really wanna get out of this place I'm in right now but really dont know how. I know what I should be eating and am going to try but have completely lost my motivation for even trying to or going to the gym.

Soory just needed somewhere to rant!


  • shanaj23
    Tomorrow is another day, and there is nothing wrong with starting over! You have come this far, and so you must, you can trudge ahead. I am sorry you are having such a rough go, but you can turn this into something positive. No need to throw in the towel because you've had a couple of crappy days, just get back out there...start again. You can do it!! The gym is a perfect place to take out your frustrations. Good Luck.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    There is nothing wrong with a few days binge, its sad that you've not managed to rid yourself of the idea that food is a comfort though (I'm DREADFUL for this and hoping I would 'unlearn' it)
    Big hug if you're still going through a rubbish time :flowerforyou:, try and get to classes at the gym for some company and support. You can do this, you've shown it already xx
  • karen19nov
    karen19nov Posts: 1 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself. It really takes a long time to break old habits and lapses are so normal. Think about what you have learnt from the past few days and try and come up with some strategies to cope next time you feel under stress :). Keep at it :)
  • bex0178
    bex0178 Posts: 25 Member
    Just try to hang in there. Sorry about your mum. I'm an emotional eater, and I find that I'm more successful if I just take it one meal at a time. If you mess up a bit, don't worry. You can't gain a pound in a day unless you eat 3500 calories ABOVE your BMR. But don't say, I messed up, I'll start again tomorrow. Just get back on track at the next meal. It's unfortunate that you feel so bad about it, but it happens sometimes. If you're feeling really bad and you don't think you can handle the lower calorie part of healthy eating for a bit, just try to maintain until you get in a better place. Good luck!
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I've been there myself many times. Its only been a few days of poor eating, don't be too hard on yourself. I've learnt that oten when we are stressed we eat, not because we are emotional eaters but because we are in calorie deficit which causes stress on the body, when we eat it relieves some of the stress we are dealing with so you really do need to eat.

    But you need to eat smart. Find some ways of eating large meals with low calories, so it feels as though you are completely satisfying yourself without going over your calories. Split your meals into several courses. Have a soup as a starter and have meals with lots of vegetables. Have a cooked fruit pudding. Give yourself a break, have a bath with some candles. Treat yourself good.

    Also try to help other people with their problems or try to support someone else in some way, it take you out of yourself and gives you good feelings which helps with stress.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    It's ok. You recognize the issue. You cannot turn back the hands of time but you can move forward and start eating healthy again. The next hour or the next day is your moment to make better choices in food and realistically a few days of poor choices is just that in the grand scheme of things. On the bright side you initially worked some of it out at the gym. That is something to acknowledge and be proud of - the second thing is you reached out for support. Good job. Now all you have to do is make some better food choices and continue to work things out at the gym. You can do it.
  • Kona54
    Kona54 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a weight loss counselor and know STRESS is the biggest trigger for overeating..You have to change that habit or you will always stress eat..GO outside..take deep breaths...I believe in GOD so I pray for a friend..get out of your head...Don't keep foods in the house that would temp you...Just keep telling yourself you can do it!!!!!!! You have to change the behavior..challenges ALWAYS....the trick is trying to overcome them...GOOD LUCK
  • IrishMinx32
    IrishMinx32 Posts: 77 Member
    I have realized that during times like what your experiencing is that instead of dieting during that time try stabilizing yourself. Don't focus on loss, focus on stability til the crisis is over then pick yourself up again. Calling friends and family is a fabulous idea or even going to a overeaters anyomious (?) meeting. I've tried that and that helped me when i lost a loved one. Sometimes hearing other peoples problems helps. Your never alone. Hang in there.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Don't be sorry, I hope the rant helped you. Sometimes you just need to get it out. Today is a NEW day. Take each meal as it comes. Think about it before you eat the meal and tell yourself that you WILL make better choices. If it starts to get to you again go for a walk or go to the gym or just do some cleaning. Something physical. I am really sorry that your Mom is ill. But you need to be at your best to help her.