Working out with friends (c25k)

I'm kind of anti-social when I work out. Though, I've warmed up to the idea of working out or running with certain friends. I'm considering going through C25K with a friend since my running distance has been cut down drastically, and running is a secondary focus of my workouts now so it wouldn't be like I would have to cut back or change the committed part of what I normally do (lifting).

The problem is planning it, and what to do when their commitment starts to waver. For anyone who has a "workout/running friend", how do you plan the workouts/runs? How far in advance do you know when you'll be working out together? And what happens when/if they start to waiver with their commitment towards it?


  • emmalouise1980
    emmalouise1980 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm having a case of a friend losing motivation!! I started C25K with one of my good friends, as I really wanted to do the programme, but felt silly running by myself - I've never run before and always thought I coudn't. We started really well, planned our runs for the week ahead - which wasn't always easy as I work shifts. We were doing really well up until the start of week 4 - my friend had genuine things that had come up so I completed the first run of the week by myself - very hard going as it's easier to stop if no one is looking! I was then away for three days, and we agreed that she would do a run by herself while I was away to catch up with me, and then we would get back into it when i came home. She found that she didn't have the motivation to run by herself, so after completeing runs 1 and 2 of week 4 we are starting week 4 again from tomorrow. Bit gutted, but then it's prob not a bad thing as I was getting a bit scared about jumping up to week 5!!

    We will compare diaries tomorrow and schedule in all three runs so we know when they are - if you've made plans I feel like I'd be letting her down if I didn't go. We will do two runs in the week, and then the weekend can be a bit more flexible as we will just agree to run sat or sun, depending which suits us both better.

    Hope you get started, it's surprising how soon it starts to feel easier. Honest!!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
  • lawson305
    lawson305 Posts: 103
    It''s nice to have a friend to run with - particularly outside - but I find it more of an individual sport on the treadmill. I just finished w9/d2, and feel like no matter who was running with me or without me, it was ME who had to do each and every step. I never in my life envisioned myself finishing this program - and although I want to improve my speed - I was able to run 30 minutes comfortably. I stopped and started the program a few times and no one could "make me run," it takes perseverance and dedication for sure. Good luck with your friends and I hope they are able to do it with you!!
  • carlie_carl
    I'm kind of anti-social when I work out. Though, I've warmed up to the idea of working out or running with certain friends. I'm considering going through C25K with a friend since my running distance has been cut down drastically, and running is a secondary focus of my workouts now so it wouldn't be like I would have to cut back or change the committed part of what I normally do (lifting).

    The problem is planning it, and what to do when their commitment starts to waver. For anyone who has a "workout/running friend", how do you plan the workouts/runs? How far in advance do you know when you'll be working out together? And what happens when/if they start to waiver with their commitment towards it?

    Im the same, it got to a point where my workouts lost intensity, I had to talk to my best friend (training buddy) had to be strait up and tell him I need my earphones in and to get lost in my workout, abit harsh but he understood, do whats best for you is my honest opinion, I train better alone, as do others and I understand how much impact involving someone else n your regime can effect your training. He still my gym buddy but we work seperatly and we both have better results from it, sometimes the only motivation you need is your own, keep up dong what your doing :)

    forgot to add, If you want to train with your friend, layout the targets and goals you have for your run and talk about what you want to do, if your on the same wave length keep each other going and remnd each other why your dong it
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I had a friend in another state I'd walk with. It was awesome because we would call each other super early in the morning so we could get up and go out and then we'd talk on the phone together the whole walk. We had our good and bad days, but I find that if someone is relying on me for something, I am more apt to keep to it. I want to go running with my BFF who's just started doing c25k but I think she's already further along than me as I couldn't keep to the running schedule.
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    Hey guys,
    I have a workout buddy. We workout together 5 days a week, circuits/tabata style workouts. We are both graduate students so we set up the time at 7:30 am and just went with it. I think it really depends on the person who you are working out with and what they want out of it. My friend and I both have different goals, shes a machine, so I am inspired by her and tell her so. She started working out with me when I mentioned how much fun it was if she did. I guess communicate what you both want out of it and keep in touch even when you are away. We text each other our weekend workouts :)
    Good Luck!