30 Day Challenge - No Cheating



  • Congratulations. This is a major accomplishment for you and you're doing great. :) (I was commenting on your post above this one)! One minor blip is ok now and then. Don't beat yourself up for it because you do that enough concerning your weight. I have one day a week where I "cheat" as a way to reward myself for being good. Maybe set a 2 week goal at first then have a cheat day. Do a few repetitions of this before moving one to 3 weeks, then a month, etc. don't make your initial goals too high. I always tend to make my initial goals too high and get very frustrated when I don't meet them.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one with a history of stealing Happy Meal fries. It's considered a rare 'treat meal' for my kids and I never order for myself. But I always end up sneaking a few fries... and then a few more.

    Good luck and I'm going to try the challenge too! No more "just a couple crackers for me" as I pack lunches or mindless munching while watching tv. (One of my WORST habits.)
  • I'm in but it's hard not to eat those animal crackers!! What is it that everyone is eating for "clean foods" I'm trying to eat healthier and not pick and stuff face. Doing really well logging everything I eat. I love the ap for the droid on this so I can track it.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am still not cheating after the extreme Saturday night fail. It has been very eye opening to see how much I would have just muched food that was unaccounted for. No more move in the scale after the initial loss so I hope that by weigh in later this week that has changed :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I am doing really well this week. Of course, it is weigh-in time and measurement time for some of the fitness challenges I have joined....so, this explains the EXTRA SCRUTINY, lol!

    I'm off to Hawaii in 4 weeks, so I *am* intent on being PERFECT with my nutrition during February.

  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    Still hanging on and I think my permanent "no munching" habit has formed. Whoop whoop. January 16th was the day I decided to start this challenge after months and months of not a single pound lost. As of Friday, I have lost 6.7 pounds since that first day, and still with a few days to go. I am so excited to see this has made a difference!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Good for you!

    I had to give up french fries for the month of February.

    I miss fries.

    I don't miss my double chin though ;)