how to fit in excercize into a 7 day a week work schedule?

well i just got a second job and now im working 7 days a week.............any advice on how to fit workouts into that schedule? the was i also have a 2 and 3 year old........also both jobs are an hour thinking the gym is out of the question because it is also about another 15 minute drive...........anyone have any advice or anyone in a similar situation?


  • mcolander
    Try in ten minute intervals. I played tag with my kids at that age, and ten minutes is a long time, when constant running after little ones. I'd also do walks on your lunch breaks. I know I don't get too sweaty when it's only for 10 minutes plus, I have time to eat. I also keep a set of hand weights in my office.
  • PennyJoy
    PennyJoy Posts: 5 Member
    Beachbody has some great at home workouts which save you travel time, and let you pick the time of day best for you to workout. I am a mom to 2 girls, one being 3 years old. So, I workout at 6am to ChaLean extreme, the longest workout is 44 minutes. You can check out my website at, and look at all the different options. Feel free to ask me any questions.
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Well first I'll say if you really want to do it you'll make time for it. Even with a seven day work week we always have some down time during the day. Sometimes we do it on Facebook, sometimes watching tv. If you don't have much it will be hard to decide to work out with that extra time but you can do it I have faith in you!

    First decide when you will workout best. If you prefer before work, after work, mid day? Then the biggest thing, for me anyway, is to put it in my schedule. If you have it as part of your regular routine you won't forget to do it. If you move it around all the time then it won't become habit. It takes 21 days in a row of doing something for it to become habit so working out on a regular basis the same time same day will become habit if you can find a spot to fit it in.

    I've decided to attend classes. That way I have a group of people that will wonder where I am if I'm not there. Again it's scheduled in at the same time every week as well. I know that your question wasn't about motivation but it plays into it when you're so busy.

    Since you have a 2 and 3 year old I would suggest trying to do things the you can do with them. They have a lot of energy so if you live in a place you can go outside a lot then go for a walk with them, go to the park and don't sit and watch but crawl around with them or play tag. Tag is fun with kids and they love it. You'll get quality time with them AND be running around probably a lot longer than if you were running on a treadmill. Heck even running around in the house is fun for kids.

    You could also go swimming with them. It's a great outing. Can be done indoors if it's cold. There are ofter moms and tots swimming times so you can teach them to swim and spend some time in the water yourself. Again you wont' be able to do laps but if you play tag with them, running through the water gives great resistance.

    Don't forget to take time for yourself you're worth it!