Looking for Venison Recipes

I love to cook with Venison since it is such a lean meat. Today we are BBQ-ing Ribs on the Grill!
I also love to surprise my husband with new ways to cook an old time favorite.
Please share your favorite venison recipe.


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    It's not a particularly 'exciting' dish in terms of the effort and number of ingredients, but a friend of mine recently made it and I loved it:

    Roasted venison flavoured lightly with ginger and garlic, served on a bed of red cabbage and lightly buttered spinach.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    We eat a lot of venison. I use it in place of beef in a lot of recipes. We love venison meatloaf with ground venison.

    Also venison fajitas (just slice the venison steak into thin strips). Slice peppers and onions, add fajita seasoning and I put them into whole wheat fajitas. I add a little low fat sour cream, guac, cilantro if I have it. It's a very quick and easy meal and delicious!

    With venison roasts, I throw a roast in the crockpot and then shred and make my own bbq or use store bought bbq sauce to make sandwiches.

    Or I put a roast in the crockpot with baby carrots, mushrooms, etc.

    I've made a beef & broccoli type meal with venison replacing the beef. That was good too.
  • SheriPS
    I made venison chili last night and it was delicious. Not sure how "healthy" but its got tons of good stuff so I guess its just moderation. Anyhow I cooked up about 2 pounds ground venison (my boyfriends family hunts and this was venison they ground themselves so no extra additives!) and after draining threw in a large diced white onion with a few cloves diced garlic, with basil, parsley and chili pepper seeds (dried). In the meantime I cut up fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, celery (basically you can add whatever veggies you want), and put venison mix and veggie mix in the crockpot then put in a can of mixed beans, kidney, romano, black eyed peas, and chick peas, put in another can of red kidney beans, romano beans and a can of brown beans (one of each). Stirred it all up put about a tablespoon of chili powder and tablespoon of brown sugar and let it cook. I made it late so I let it cook for about 4 1/2 hours or so. Chili is so versatile and I love it in the winter. Good luck :)