Starting Insanity this Week! Anyone Interested??

My fabulous husband bought us Insanity! We're going to do our fit tests tomorrow and start up Monday...anyone else interested in joining??
I have a pretty extensive history with food, so hopefully this will help me eat enough and get in awesome shape!


  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I'm in the middle of P90X2, otherwise I would ive done two rounds of'll have a great time, it's a fun program. Don't forget to breathe! : )
  • PinkAndSparkle
    Yikes! I'm so nervous! But I'm totally ready to change my body and learn to eat enough to maintain a great workout!
  • nailed479
    HI!! I have done it, but right now I'm doing Turbo Fire!!! If you need any support thought I would love to help :)
  • chipndip
    chipndip Posts: 12 Member
    my sister did the p90x (and she is pretty hardcore) have to laugh everytime i think about it....she was sooo tore up she fell down the steps .......lmao....she couldnt walk .lol.cuz she was soooo sore
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    im on week 7 of insanity planning to do a 2nd round then 1 round of p90x
  • PinkAndSparkle
    im on week 7 of insanity planning to do a 2nd round then 1 round of p90x

    How's it going for you?! We did the fitness test this morning and...WOO! I'm in for serious workout.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    my sister did the p90x (and she is pretty hardcore) have to laugh everytime i think about it....she was sooo tore up she fell down the steps .......lmao....she couldnt walk .lol.cuz she was soooo sore

    P90X and Insanity are two different things.
  • wytymom
    wytymom Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, did you start yet? Just got it in the mail. Starting Insanity tomorrow. Let me know. Thanks, Sarah
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I just did Plyometric torture dvd this morning (day 2). It's exhausting but still quite fun. 495 calories burnt, and that's with me taking frequent breaks as my heart rate went past 180 and I needed to bring it back down.
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    I did the fit test today for day 1 but I think I am waiting till Tuesday to actuall start. ( thats when my HRM is expected to arrive)
  • nukehiker
    I finished my first round of insanity on jan 15th. Plan to start with the fit test tomorrow for round 2.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I finished my first round of insanity on jan 15th. Plan to start with the fit test tomorrow for round 2.

    May I ask how much you improved on your fit tests? Just because my results are so so poor that I need to know I can improve. Not even numbers, just % would be of interest to me.

    I got a zero on the push up jacks, reeeally want to be able to do just one!
  • cansmith80
    I'm in!! I do my fit test first thing in the morning! How exciting!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    Hi Everyone! Sorry I didn't check back for awhile. Today starts week 2 for me! Week 1 was wild, but I feel awesome. I ate EVERYTHING last night during the superbowl, so I'm in for a treat today.... yikes! Feel free to friend me for support!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I did day three today, I started the fit test on Saturday. Was quite difficult but I made the goals I set for myself for each move. One of my kittens decided that when I was doing pushups was the best time to walk underneath me, that was motivational!