Ladies - if you started over 250....

How many pounds did it take for people to start noticing you were losing weight?
How many pounds did it take for you to go down a size?

I'm right over 20 today, and while all my clothes are looser (WAY loser in the legs), I'm still not down a size yet. And no one has noticed, but I took pics yesterday and I *think* I can see a difference myself, albeit a small one.

Thanks for your replies.


  • CrysOmboli
    CrysOmboli Posts: 9 Member
    I started the 2nd day of January. No one has noticed mine either. I put on a cardigan I bought 2 years ago that didn't fitin the arms, and it fit! :) So don't worry f other people aren't noticing yet. They will. And if you see the difference in your clothes, I would say that's an awesome achievement!
  • I started at 245 and I think it was around 30lbs before people started to notice and by 45 it had started to become very obvious. I am now at 65 down and it has made a great difference. I have gone form a 22/24 to 18 now so it does take a bit before you start changes sizes. You should notice that before too long though. You are doing great!
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    It took around 25lbs before I got my 1st notice from someone (but I was on summer break from uni so I didn't see anyone familiar for 2 months) and about the same amount before I dropped a dress size.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    i started at 255 and am now 228. the only people that have claimed notice are people who i've told about my diet so i don't really count them. i notice differences in myself. i am just starting to go down from a 20 to an 18 but i'm still getting there but the legs of my pants do feel looser than before. just keep at it and the differences will keep showing.
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    PLEASE don't get discouraged. I'm in the same boat you are - and I will typically lose a pant size every 15 pounds or so, and it DOES take people a while to notice. I think when we are bigger like this to begin with (and please, that is not a jab in ANY way, because I JUST hit 248) it just takes longer for people to SEE the difference. I just keep imagining what people are going to think looking at a before picture and an after picture, when the difference is going to be AMAZING.

    So keep it up - do your best and stick with it. It doesn't matter what people notice or don't notice, what matters is you are trying to be the best, healthiest you that you can be. In time it will show, and you will be SO proud of yourself.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    For me it took a long time before anyone noticed--maybe 30 lbs. Partly, the issue was that I was wearing the same clothes, so I looked like I weighed the same.

    Losing 20 lbs probably has made you look different, but in subtle ways. Your face and neck are probably a bit thinner.

    People have probably noticed a change, but may not be able to pinpoint what's different about you quite yet. Don't give up hope!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    are you in uk or us sizes?
    i started in a very tight 18 @ 244lbs. i have previously been in a 20 @ 256lbs. im now just about in a 16 @ 224lbs, im 5"4 BTW.
    there seems to be about 4" between sizes for me.
  • I started 35 days ago at 251. At weigh in today - I am at 236. So far, no one has noticed. I can tell in my clothes. They are getting looser. I can also tell that I am getting stronger. I can walk and ride further and faster every week. I don't know when anyone will notice, but thats ok with me. This time, I am doing this for me - and I can tell. :smile:

    Keep working towards your goal. People will begin to notice your weight loss soon. Don't let yourself get discouraged.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    I think people notice, but are reluctant to say anything in case they're mistaken. Or maybe they feel like if they didn't say "ooo looks like you've put on a few pounds" then they shouldn't say anything the opposite way, either.

    I'm down 28 lbs from my start, and my clothes fit very differently from where they did. I went from wearing a 54" bra with an extension to a 52 ... and down a size in panties... so even though my outer clothing size is the same (but getting baggy), it's showing in other ways, too!

    Just keep plugging at it, and we'll celebrate each step with you! You'll soon be at a point where they can't HELP but say something!
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    I started around 275 and people began to notice when I was in the 240s, now I'm down 214 people are really noticing. Partly because I dress differently. I used to hide in big skirts, big dresses, anything that wasn't form fitting and I never wore belts! Now I've lost so much weight, I shop for cute, flirty fun clothes. I wear short A-line skirts, clingy dresses and pants with the shirt tucked in! Nothing makes me feel more empowered to continue my weight loss than feeling really good in the clothes I wear rather than hiding in them. :flowerforyou:

    I take pictures about every 10-15 lbs so I can remember what I looked like and see the progress because when I look in the mirror, I don't see the new me always. I have taken all my old "big girl clothes" to the charity shop so I don't creep back into them.

    Treat yourself when you hit a mini milestone, I go for pedicures and manicures after each 10 lbs loss and clothes shopping after each 25 lbs. You can do it, there's lots of support here :wink:

  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I started at over 280, and it took at least 30lbs before people started to notice. I'd been wearing clothes that were probably too small for me, so I dropped quite a lot of weight before I needed new clothes. It was great when I did though! Can't wait for my next dress size drop.

    As everyone else has said, keep going and it will all happen ever so quick - people will all notice at the same time and you'll be shopping for new outfits! :)
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I started at 262 and someone told me they could see it after the first 8 pounds , but it was only one person and she had not seen my in a while So I'm not sure.
  • I noticed only by my waist. It's small for my size anyway far as others noticing nothing yet. When I went to the drs on last Tuesday, the 24th my birthday and I stepped on the scale I was overjoyed. My doctor was more excited than I was.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    My massage therapist noticed when I was down about 20 lbs... but, the man sees my naked *kitten* almost every week!

    I think one co-worker noticed about the time I was down 2 sizes (from snug 24s to 20s), and I'd bought a new outfit and was wearing heels. She didn't say anything about my weight, but said I was "really rockin' the look!" and said that I looked good.

    I'd prefer if I didn't get much verbal "notice" about my weight from acquaintances. Just seems a little personal invasive, to me.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I started 35 days ago at 251. At weigh in today - I am at 236. So far, no one has noticed. I can tell in my clothes. They are getting looser. I can also tell that I am getting stronger. I can walk and ride further and faster every week. I don't know when anyone will notice, but thats ok with me. This time, I am doing this for me - and I can tell. :smile:

    Keep working towards your goal. People will begin to notice your weight loss soon. Don't let yourself get discouraged.

    Thanks everyone for your replies - I think it's because *I* feel so darn good and light and DIFFERENT right now, I'm just anxious to get to a point where I look that way too. I really feel so much better, so much more energy, more stamina, moving is not a chore, I don't ache anymore.... I just want to LOOK that way!

    No way I'm giving up!

    ETA: And I'm in US sizes - right now a 22 is almost too big but the 20 is still a little too snug for comfort. One day soon...
  • At my previous lowest weight since giving birth, people could notice a little difference from me being 225 down to 202. With the weight gain I had come back over the last 2 years(was 240 a week and a half ago) I think (for me) no one will notice anything significant until I weigh around 190. Unfortunate yes, disheartening no. I'm using it for motivational fuel. I want my hard work to be noticed, even if it takes awhile to get there.
  • I think for me people started noticing at about the 20 pound mark {I was one of the lucky ones} But most noticed in my face I also started out at about a size 22 pants and am now down to a size 18, shirt size I do not know since I haven't actually had to buy shirts because I like them bigger but I can see I now have smaller middle.. So KEEP GOING! you will get there!
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I started at 280 and a tight size US 24. I'm now at 178 and in a good size 12 or TIGHT size 10. I think people started noticing about 25 lbs or so. I seem to drop a size about every 20 lbs. I am guessing that might be different with height etc? Anyway, stick with it...YOU will notice and eventually so will everyone else and I'm telling you it IS DEFINITELY worth the effort. I feel sooooo much better, I LOVE buying clothes. And I will admit I have really struggled the past few months (went up about 13 lbs) but I will never give up because then I will gain it all back and that IS NOT an option. It will be a life change for you if you want to succeed but again so very worth it. I can't begin to list the good things...I can exercise, ride bike, chase after my 3 yr old grandson.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I started Nov 1st at 254. Have lost over 30# now, and no one, unless they know I've been dieting, has said anything. I didn't go down a size until I'd lost over 25#, then just one pants size. I was noticing it in the fit of my clothes at about 15# lost, and had to start tugging up my pants at about that time. it'll happen- it even feels good when no one notices, just knowing it yourself!
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    I started out at 276...must admit that was a number of months ago and now am at 255. 21 lbs. (9 of that since I joined MFP this month) and it is the people that see me often rarely that notice it. Much different for people who start out at lower weights. Years ago I lost 80 lbs. and many people didn't really notice it until I had lost 40lbs! And then it was way more often that they would notice smaller increments. It was really startling when people first noticed...people that saw me daily in the office suddenly were doing double-takes!! LOL. And I know part of it was because I moved and acted with so much more confidence. Hang in are doing fantastic. It won't be long now!