My 2 week "Junk Food Detox" ★

So, I have alot to lose and want to keep motivated. I knew I had to give up the junk food and excersise. So, 4 days ago, I started my own 2 week "Junk food detox" I'm eating the exact same thing everyday except I get a free choice for dinner,( with a calorie limit of course). Having no variation of meals and snacks during the day keeps me out of the cupboards and helps control my mindless snacking. Which is good because I tend to not be able to control my amounts, even when it comes to health foods.
I'm not going too crazy on the exercise, mainly because I'm so out of shape and I have bad back problems. So I'm stepping it up, but not over doing it.
And I figure after 2 weeks, I'll be ready to choose other healthy options as I already have things in mind. Plus, with my 2 week weigh in and no set weight loss goal for that time, I will feel accomplished and will have reached my first goal. I didn't set a loss goal because I figured for it to work, I first had to work on my problems that have kept me from succeeding in the past, without the stress and worry of dissapointment when it came to a weight loss goal. So I'll definetly keep ya'll posted on how it works. But the mst important part of this plan is not how much I lose, but it's about forming habits and changing my daily routine so that I KNOW I can be successful! I CAN DO IT! :D


  • lizbudd55
    lizbudd55 Posts: 7 Member
    If you cut out the junk, concentrating on eating what's good for you, you'll lose the pounds you want to lose and begin being healthy.

    The healthier you are, the better you'll feel about yourself.

    The better you feel about yourself, the more you'll want to keep doing what you're doing.

    The more you keep on track, the more you'll lose - until you're where you want to be!