Yep, I'm done... just done.

I've been fluxuating between the same 10lbs for over a year now despite keeping within a calorie deficit and exercising reguarly. I go to see an endochrinologist on Tuesday. But until then I'm done thinking about it. I'm about to go on a gluten filled calorie binge if I'm just going to stay fat anyway.


  • rutkowsm
    rutkowsm Posts: 43 Member
    I'm so sorry you're having trouble with reaching your goals. I've definitely been there (actually, I'm still there). Sometimes a binge helps you get back on track, or so I've heard. Your body is basically freaking out that it's been in a deficit for so long and it's not letting go of any weight. The concept makes sense to me, but it is super frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything you can (and doing everything right) and the scale/measuring tape isn't reflecting that.

    I'm currently trying something new. Eating below my TDEE and above my BMR. I'm at 1800 calories now (up from 1500), and I'm trying to eat close to that every day. It's a brand new strategy, so I can't really speak to it's success just yet, but I figure the worst case scenario is that I won't lose any weight. And I'm not losing weight now. Maybe it would be worth a shot for you too?

    I know how crappy it feels to be discouraged, and I hope you start feeling better again soon. Hopefully the Endocrinologist can answer some questions for you!
  • rebekahr
    rebekahr Posts: 1 Member
    Don't give up!!! The plateaus happen to lots of people, you just have to keep up the hard work, and sometimes it means trying something different. If you exercise regularly but do the same exercise all the time your body could just need some variety to get kick started again.

    I'd suggest worrying less about the actual weight and concentrate more on how you feel - I bet that when you eat a balanced diet and exercise a lot, that you probably feel lighter and healthier than when you eat stuff like pizza and potato chips all the time, right?

    Never give up! Never surrender! Focus on being healthy. :-)
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I'm sorry you're feeling so discouraged. As absurd as it sounds, you might need to up your caloric intake. If you're eating too little, it's definitely go to slow your metabolism. Also, try to eat every 2-3 hours. Everyone has plateaus while losing weight and it can take a long time to break it.
    Don't give up. Nothing is impossible.
  • gabadabadoo
    It really does sound frustrating - why don't you allow yourself a splurge on one thing you really crave? I only say that because if you go on a binge, the worst part is always the regret the next day when you wonder what posessed you! You've obviously been working hard at it for a long time - and while giving yourself a break sounds like a good idea because it is stressing you out, if you give up, you may end up feeling more stressed??
    I don't know - it's the hardest thing in the world to stay motivated when it feels like your body is fighting you - but if nothing else, think about how actively healthy you have been these past months - weight loss or no, THAT part your body would have loved!

    Try not to lose hope :smile:
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    I've been fluxuating between the same 10lbs for over a year now despite keeping within a calorie deficit and exercising reguarly. I go to see an endochrinologist on Tuesday. But until then I'm done thinking about it. I'm about to go on a gluten filled calorie binge if I'm just going to stay fat anyway.

    honestly? looking at your food journal, its pretty carb-heavy and protein light. i'd suggest more lean meats and fewer carbs, and what carbs you do have are in the form of fresh or steamed vegetables instead of breads or sugars. more fats, too, in the form of omega oils (fish and olive) and nuts like almonds and sunflower. before giving up, try altering the composition of your foods and keep at that for about 3 weeks....give it time to work.
    if you don't already do any strength training, i would also suggest you start that 3 times a week and cut back on the cardio for those days. a good program to start with is the new rules of lifting for women...and we have a group for that :)
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm the exact same and have been fluctuating between these 10 lbs for at LEAST the last 5 yrs!!!!

    Don't give up!

    Try different things! You got some good suggestions here!

    I'm finally getting a handle on my eating habits through MFP , friends and support here.

    "Friend" me, we can do this together!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I would agree with the cutting back on the carbs and adding more protein... there are 2 things I look at the most in my diary - sodium content and carbs - in that order. My experience is that on those days I have too much sodium or carbs the scale tends to go up

    I would recommend (only cuz it has worked for me) - visit - they have some good free 12 week programs according to your goals - "fat loss" or "muscle building" - I am currently on week 7 of one of the "fat loss" programs which integrates very well cardio and strength training... I have adjusted it a bit added some treadmill time for running but even before I was seeing some good results. (week 7 and 17 lbs down - I would say it has worked -- though it is true that what has worked for me doesn't necesary mean it would work for you, but it wouldn't hurt for you to explore it :) )

    Remember, you would only be giving up to yourself. That shouldn't be acceptable to you. If what you are not doing is not working, experiment with other things until you find something you like and is giving you the results you are seeking.

    Best of luck to you...
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions/ encouragement. I can try cutting back on the carbs, that I can definitely improve on. I'm trying to strike a balance with the carbs and up my protien for muscle recovery as I'm going to be running a half marathon in a few weeks (eep). I know I can do better, I'm just somewhat sick of watching my food intake, honestly. I read every lable, I'm crazy about trying to keep the gluten out as that even makes me feel worse. *sigh* I do weight train two days a week (looking to up it to three) and I run three days a week. Sounds like I just need to be even more vigilant. At least I have the portion control part down for the most part LOL
  • arlyn70
    arlyn70 Posts: 55
    i dont how do you eat and what u eat, but i will suggest u the same thing as one of our friends, cut more carbs and eat more protein, (lean proteins) and drink water.. 2lts a day..

    me too im on the same situation, sometimes i want to give up, but i need to lear to start complaining and do my best.

    and another suggestion, dont think to much.. that wont help..

    wish you all the best