HI from Hammond Louisiana

Hi, my name is Nikki and I live in lovely Hammond Louisiana. I've packed on the pounds since Hurricane Katrina wrecked our home in New Orleans which caused me to relocate twice. Now I"m finally ready to get back to my old size 6 self. I look in the mirror and don't even recognize this person. I used to be a vegetarian/pescatarian. I'm going back to that and calorie restriction.

I love this app.


  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I will let you decide if you want me as a friend or not

    Hi, I'm Barbra (my friends call me Barbi)

    I've lost the same 80 lbs 3 times until now.....I've finely figured learned the key to weight loss.

    I believe in eating all or most of your calories burnt by exercise to keep your weight loss steady and fuel your body for the exercise you are doing.

    I believe you have to eat the calories MFP tells you too which is on your diary as "my goal"

    I believe your "net" should never go under 1200

    I will not tell you your doing a good job on your diary if you're under your "net" calories

    I will also not comment if your diary is not public

    I WILL be a great support if you are eating right, exercising, and doing it RIGHT without going hungry.

    because it works
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi, I live in Lafayette! It's a tough area to live in, if you're trying to watch what you eat! But it's not so bad once you get into the swing of a new lifestyle. Good luck!
  • Thanks Garnet. I know what you mean. How do you avoid the gumbo at Prejeans living in Lafayette? I was a vegetarian for a year and a half and never felt or looked better. But I"m half Cajun and I think we are hardwired for seafood. Now I'm trying to limit my animal products to seafood and chicken. Nothing fried but I still cave over a good etouffee.
  • Hi Barb. I'll try not to go under 1200 but that's tough for me sometimes. I find I have a hard time getting enough protein without going over. Since I used to be a vegetarian, I still tend to eat little animal products. I do eat fish and some chicken. Occassionally I'l have some pork just to get my protein up. Any suggestions? I used to eat a lot of soy until I read about the Altzimer's connection with the GMO soy.