Working on a 100lb weight loss!



  • I am working too loose 127lbs. That number seems so over whelming, so I too have broken it down into smaller goals. After loosing and gaining so many times, I decided this time has to be different, it has too be a permanent lifestyle change. I would love to share this journey with anyone who wants to be friends and help support and motivate each out.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    How nice to see the support here from those who have lost a lot of weight and from those who want to lose 100 pounds. I am also looking to lose over 100+ pounds. Would love to have you all as friends as I have no family. Please read my profile and blog and if your interested add me as a friend. We all need to encouragement and support each other.
  • I am right there with you! With bad hips and bad genes I need to be as healthy as I can be. The first 75 came off extremely easy, in the matter of 4 month. Actually I was down 85pds and Christmas caught up with me which was a huge reality check for me. But I am right back on track and moving more quickly towards my goal. Good luck hun!
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    Me, too! You guys are free to add me. :D
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    I am within a few pounds of losing 100. I am having a very difficult time getting to the 100 pounds lost, for some reason the last couple of pounds are being very difficult to lose, and I still have about 70 more to go. Anyone can feel free to add me for motivation and support.
  • thoma74
    thoma74 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm working on atleast 100lb loss right now. Started at 276, right now I'm at 235. First big time goal is 170..then I'll go from there lol Feel free to add me :happy:
  • I'm in this group too! Feel free to add me as a friend:)
  • ME too add me if u want
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost 44 and have 60 some more to go so i am in this group too ! Feel free to add me as a friend !
  • darls25
    darls25 Posts: 151 Member
    Me too!! Feel free to add me :)
  • I keep trying to cut back on what i eat and choose healthier foods but its so hard for me! i need support!
  • Hey there!! Almost a 100 pounds to lose also. Sounds like almost impossible but I know I can do it. I would love to add you and send encouragements!

  • I've hit my 100 lb mark...Taking over 3 months plus to lose the next 5 lbs. I still have 15 lbs to go.

    Add me if you like. = )
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    i have about that to lose also feel free to add me :)
  • Thindown
    Thindown Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I'm looking for 100 lbs off too, the second time. Lost it once and put it back on. I have lost 40 and am on the right track, but having support through this group will be a great help. Good luck and keep working towards your goal. It is worth it!
  • I am looking to lose about 150lbs, but 100 is definitely a good place to start for now. Have lost 25 so far in these first 4 weeks but I know it's probably going to get alot harder here on out, lol. Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free. We all can use as much help and support as we can get. Can never have too many friends =)
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I still need to lose about 110lb. Anyone can add me, I love new friends :)
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    To all of you...stick with it...stay focused and you all will achieve your 100 pound weight loss. I am working on my forth.... yess 400 pounds gone.... so if i an lose that you..... all can do 100!!!
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    My new years resolution is to lose 100 lbs this year!!! :)

    Add me! I can use the support.
  • To all of you...stick with it...stay focused and you all will achieve your 100 pound weight loss. I am working on my forth.... yess 400 pounds gone.... so if i an lose that you..... all can do 100!!!

    Oh my goodness! What an amazing job! Thank you so much for that post! What a huge inspiration you are! I someday hope to be able to say I did it too!