New to MFP. Friends??

My name is Gaby I'm 30 years old and decided it was time for a healthier lifestyle. It will be two weeks on Tuesday and so far I have lost 4 pounds in my first week. Looking for friends to share this experience with.


  • BelleDeJour82
    Congrats on losing 4 lbs in your first week! I started about two weeks ago also and I would love to add you as a friend :)

  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    HI! Welcome to MFP! This site is awesome! Lots of support and knowledgeable folks!! Add me if you'd like more support!! 4lbs! Whoop! Congrats!
  • Courtney24107
    Feel free to add me!
    I love having new friends! :D
  • ashtonalayna
    Hi Gaby, welcome to MFP and congrats on the weight u have lost. 4lbs in one week is awsome! If u still looking for friends feel free to add me.
  • JenLaPointe
    I been using MFP for a couple weeks and also looking for more friends to provide postive support. Add me:smile:
  • hairshae
    hairshae Posts: 7 Member
    great job!!!!
  • sarahelmulato
    hello everyone! im looking for friends, i need more motivation!
  • IrishMinx32
    IrishMinx32 Posts: 77 Member
    WooHOO. congrats Gabby. I'm still in my first wk. more help the better. please feel free to add me as a friend.