Ankle Stretches

jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
Kind of an odd question, but this is something that I've noticed lately. My right ankle has always been weak and never as flexible as my left. Since I started running, I've noticed this mainly in my post-run stretches. Here's some background: a few years back I sprained my right ankle really badly. I was in an air cast and on crutches for a few weeks. Since then, it's been so much harder to stretch it like my just feels tight.

Has anybody had the same problem? What are some exercises or stretches I could do to improve flexibility? Thanks in advance for your help, everybody. :smile:


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    "write" the alphabet with your foot! Works wonders for ankle strength.
  • thesuperchunk
    Stand on one foot. A lot. The small interior movements you make to hold your balance strengthens the ligaments etc...

    I've had multiple such sprains over my years of basktball/skateboarding - a good 5 on each ankle that required long stretches on crutches and countless minor ones and it takes a lot of work to get that strength back.

    Warrior 3 pose from Yoga is very helpful.