Deadly Diet

v13roses Posts: 7 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
This is to all who want to take the time to read this and I don't want to discourage anyone from reaching thier goals but I just want to give advice on being careful of weightloss and dieting. I started my "diet" last year and it turned into a crash diet where I lost over 20 pounds between May and August. I weighed 124 lbs and 99 pounds within a six month time period. I was hospitalized several times, had to go to therapy, ruined relationships, lost my period developed insomnia, anxiety and depression. I'm always cold and tired, my skin is dull, my hair is thin, eyes aren't as bright as they used to be.I just want to say be careful, there are healthy weight loss plans that you should follow. I want to dissuade anyone who will listen from crash dieting and to not let things become unmanageable. My goal is to stop people from ending up where I am is an awful place and it hurts both physically and mentally. I was very unhealthy about how I lost weight, it began as a harmless desire to loose 10 pounds i gained in college and it developed into a demon that I believe is now going to be part of me for the rest of my life. I have to fight him every day. So please, be wary of your weight loss plan and make sure you achieve your goals in a healthy way, no matter how tempting it is to crash.


  • v13roses
    v13roses Posts: 7 Member
    P.s. If you read my profile you will see that I described myself as a binge eater. This is painful for me to read because I wrote it before I realized I was having an issue with food. Now I see the warning signs. I never thought it was a problem because I never used to purge by vomitting, I would, however run 14 miles a day, I found out over exercising is another form a purging.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the tip
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Thank you for your story! I'm sure it will help a lot of people. It take a strong kind of spirit to be able to do that!

    I wish you all the luck and best wishes on your road to recovery!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    14 miles a day? That's a lot of working out! I used to binge much like yourself, minus the sweets. I'd spend 15 dollars at Taco Bueno and eat something all day long. I still do eat a lot but just the right stuff. It's amazing how much you can eat if you eat the right things. Good luck!
  • OliveBranch
    OliveBranch Posts: 104
    I have a lot of respect and admiration for your courage to talk about this openly and honestly.
    I struggled with the same scenario years ago and got professional help.
    I am still not full "recovered" and it has been a long road, but I promise you that it can and will get better with time and professional help. I am now of a healthy weight, eating regular and balanced meals...never starving myself anymore. Like I said, I'm still not perfect, but if anyone would have told me 4 years ago that I'd be able to go even an hour without worrying about food/exercise, I would have laughed.
    Things can and do get better.
    Thank you for your story, and I hope you are feeling happy and well very soon.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I did so much research on this when my niece was showing signs of becoming bulemic, I'm hoping she doesn't purge anymore, but I still worry about her.

    Signs of Anxeric and Buliema includes:

    No matter how thin you are you always think your fat
    Afraid to eat (really bad sign) vegatables and fruits are your friends not the enemy
    Purging after a meal
    Making up excuses as to why you won't eat
    Feeling gross after a salad (I really have my reserves on this one)
    Thinning hair
    Feeling tired all the time
    Can lead to accute heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, afraid of gaining weight by drinking water
    Binging on food then purging shortly after
    Becoming obsessed with exercising

    Thank you for sharing your story, it takes a lot of courage to tell it. I hope you feel better soon :)
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thank you for your insight.:flowerforyou:
    I never thought it was a problem because I never used to purge by vomiting, I would, however run 14 miles a day, I found out over exercising is another form a purging.
  • v13roses
    v13roses Posts: 7 Member
    I know it's a hard situation but if you can find an appropriate time and the strength in yourself to say something to your neice, please do. She might become defensive and mad but I wish someone had said something to me, I was silent, but on the inside I was SCREAMING for help. No one ever questioned my behaviors and to this day, I really wish someone had instigated me.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I did so much research on this when my niece was showing signs of becoming bulemic, I'm hoping she doesn't purge anymore, but I still worry about her.

    Signs of Anxeric and Buliema includes:

    No matter how thin you are you always think your fat
    Afraid to eat (really bad sign) vegatables and fruits are your friends not the enemy
    Purging after a meal
    Making up excuses as to why you won't eat
    Feeling gross after a salad (I really have my reserves on this one)
    Thinning hair
    Feeling tired all the time
    Can lead to accute heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, afraid of gaining weight by drinking water
    Binging on food then purging shortly after
    Becoming obsessed with exercising

    Thank you for sharing your story, it takes a lot of courage to tell it. I hope you feel better soon :)

    Also...take a look at teeth...very obvious. I struggled with both and now I have next to no enamel on my teeth due to the purging and my bones are a little weak due to depriving myself of nutrients.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    The reason I know this is because she eventually went to my stepmom about it and I just happened to be there on the same weekend.

    We did have a talk with her about it, I told her she wasn't fat and that I was fat and the one who needed to change, but I told her I wouldn't do it on a crash diet. I should've mentioned that earlier that we did talk to her.

    In the following couple of weeks after that, I had a couple of more talks with her about proper nutrition, exercise and just eating healthy if she wanted to lose the extra bit of weight around her middle, that's what started this whole thing and I'm pissed off with the teacher for calling her fat too. Honestly :mad: . She's still at a very young age of twelve and started doing this when she was turning eleven.

    She has lost weight, and considering I live in another city two hours away, so I don't really see her that often. So it's kind off hard to tell by the pictures on her facebook alone. I better not find her a walking skeleton, if I do, I'm dragging her into the nearest eating disorder unit.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hadn't thought about over-exercising as a form of purging. I have a history of food issues, so I'm going to tell my support network to keep an eye out for that.

    It's so hard to combat the idea, when you're fat, that there is such a thing as too much exercise. People just see you exercising and assume that it's healthy.It's really important for me to remember that with my past history, I need to keep an eye on it. I guess there's a balance in everything.

    Thank you for mentioning that- it's going on my motivation board.
  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    Just wanted to note that I have, and still do deal with my bulemia/binge eating. I also am not underweight, in fact lots of bulimic people are average or overweight and the purge part of the process can vary from throwing up, taking laxatives, over exercising etc. But anyways I agree with not getting too obsessed with your diet and exercise it becomes a compulsion, one that I have learned to manage reasonably now. :happy: Also for me, the binging I believe is triggered when I used to not get enough calories 800 - 900 calories a day, and so my body would cry out for food, hence the urge to binge. So that's a warning for MFP peeps too, if you feel the need to binge sometimes it may be your body going into starvation mode.
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