New to MFP - Let's help each other!

Hello! I turned 40 last October, quit a 21-year smoking habit the year before, was a size 14 most of my life, then dropped quickly for no reason to a size 8, now back up to tight size 14, comfy 16. I have 3 children - 17 yo girl, 12 yo boy, 9 yo boy and been married for 18 years on Feb.4. I need to be motivated! I sabotage myself over and over and need support and motivation! I have begun to believe that my best motivation will be to motivate others! My biggest weakness is SWEETS. I love to bake and I love, of course, to then eat what I've made! I'm looking for some ways to cut down on the sweets without becoming a horrid, hateful shrew! Looking forward to making some friends and charting some success! :happy:


  • Hi You can add me if u like I am new to here too nice to meet u we will do it together.
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Congrats on quiting the habit!
    Sending a request.:smile:
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Greeting fellow baker..And welcome aboard. I too love to bake and being single does not help the situation. I mean after I bake it who is suppose to eat it, oh I guess that would be me!!! This is a great place for support.:heart:
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    welcome.. Im new too . let's all do this together!
  • I'm new too. I'm not sure what I want to do. I lost about 45 pounds on Nutri-system, but gained it back. I am just cutting calories now, but I think I might want to do Atkins.
  • Thindown
    Thindown Posts: 8 Member

    I know what you mean. My weakness is pizza and blizzards, love them. I lost 100 pounds a fw years ago, when my gym closed suddenly, i slowly put it back on. Finally, after my wife encouraged me by losing 30 pounds, I joined a gym again and have taken off 40 pounds. I find, for me, I need to exercise which makes me not want to cave in to the food cravings. Also this sight is great. Enter your calories of the foods you are about to eat BEFORE you eat them and when you see the calories and fat content it may change your mind. It's fun to delete an entry because you never consumed it! Good luck and keep up the fight!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member

    portion control and moderation are three words that will become your greatest tool in this journey.

    Good luck. X
  • Portion control and moderation. I might post those words in my kitchen! My problem is that if one cookie is good, then ten would be awesome. :( I'd like to lose 50 pounds, so I am in this for the long haul.
  • deeva2266
    deeva2266 Posts: 65 Member
    Portion control and moderation are posted here as well as the photo of myself that got me started on my healthy eating lifestyle change.
  • glassbully
    glassbully Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome to the group! you can do it, just take one day at a time. Nice to meet you, you can add me if you like, I track my foods daily.
  • Hello! Im new to my fitness pal! I am 5'6 26 yrs old femaIe... started at 204lbs. After 3 weeks I am down to 195 for a 9lb loss. Still going strong! I love seeing success stories and cant wait to post mine someday! Feel free to add me if you are female, similar in age and weight loss goals. Oh yea, im shooting for a goal weight of about 170-180 :)
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    Portion control and moderation. I might post those words in my kitchen! My problem is that if one cookie is good, then ten would be awesome. :( I'd like to lose 50 pounds, so I am in this for the long haul.

    I needed to lose 58lbs (only another 40 to go, yey me!!) and I'm starting to hate my hubby as "Please make me some cookies Princess, yours are the tastiest." Lol.

    I'm very impressed with myself though, I appear to have a lot more self control than I thought. Might simply be that after making five dozen cookies for him in one afternoon I never wanted to look at another cookie again, lol.
  • I am new too. Tracked for the first time today and was over my alloted amount of calories. Hoping that tomorrow I do better.
  • Hi, newbie here, joined today, would like to join you all on your journey.
  • tinybum
    tinybum Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 40 year old mother of two boys, ages 18 and 15. I love food. Sweet, salty, you name it :) I've lost 30 lbs since last October but have a long way to go. My husband joined a week ago and encouraged me to join so I did yesterday. I think it"s kind of fun so far. Hoping it helps! Got my four sisters to join too- should be fun!
  • I am new too, happy if you want to add me too:happy:
  • I am new too, :happy: to add me to your friends too.
    hope you are managing to get to grips with this too