Bad Knee Help/Advice


I think we eat pretty healthy in our house, of course our household is challenged. I have a daughter that should be watching her calories (she's 11), a son thats 9 and can't seem to put weight on, then the rest of us (myself, husband, and 3 year old daughter).

My problem is that I am only 30 but have no cartilage in my knees, the bones are marked up from rubbing. I have heard that low impact exercises/machines were the way to go. I have started the joint injections and talking with my doctor said the bike was a bad idea. Too much impact on my kneecap, I'd say my weight is a healthy weight, but I'd like to keep it healthy by being able to burn off extra calories but am stuck. He says swimming would be a good one.

Anyone have any ideas on low impact/cardio for bad knee/knee cap? Lunges, squats, bike, elliptical, running are all out. I can't even go outside our house for a healthy walk because of the hills in our area. I am thinking a slow pace walk (no incline) on the treadmill and possibly swimming. Is this realistic for managing a healthy weight? I like my sweets (especially with Easter) but how can I get the extra calories off?

I am hoping someone on this board can help me.


  • christy1246

    I think we eat pretty healthy in our house, of course our household is challenged. I have a daughter that should be watching her calories (she's 11), a son thats 9 and can't seem to put weight on, then the rest of us (myself, husband, and 3 year old daughter).

    My problem is that I am only 30 but have no cartilage in my knees, the bones are marked up from rubbing. I have heard that low impact exercises/machines were the way to go. I have started the joint injections and talking with my doctor said the bike was a bad idea. Too much impact on my kneecap, I'd say my weight is a healthy weight, but I'd like to keep it healthy by being able to burn off extra calories but am stuck. He says swimming would be a good one.

    Anyone have any ideas on low impact/cardio for bad knee/knee cap? Lunges, squats, bike, elliptical, running are all out. I can't even go outside our house for a healthy walk because of the hills in our area. I am thinking a slow pace walk (no incline) on the treadmill and possibly swimming. Is this realistic for managing a healthy weight? I like my sweets (especially with Easter) but how can I get the extra calories off?

    I am hoping someone on this board can help me.
  • Isabelle
    Isabelle Posts: 102
    Hope you like water...Swimming can be a good idea! You can do workout in water so you have lot less impact; and of course, swimming for 20 minutes is good for your cardio! You could think about country skiing, skating, rollerblading...:smile:
    Hope it helps..
  • Isabelle
    Isabelle Posts: 102
    Also..did you have braces for you knees or arch supports for your feet? I work in this stuff and maybe can give you some answers.
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    Get yourself in a pool. It is great exercise and lots of fun. The thing is you do nto even really have to get in there and swim you can go to the pool with your family and play but still get great exercise.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Need Pain-Free Knees?
    Simple Stretches and Exercises Can Help
    -- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer
    If your knees are giving you problems, and you feel like the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" when getting out of bed, you’re not alone. Nearly 50 million Americans feel the same way.

    Knees are the most commonly injured joints in the body. Considering that when you simply walk up stairs, the pressure across your knee joints is four times your body weight, it isn't surprising. Simple, everyday wear and tear can end up hurting your mobility.

    But it’s not too late. Like a rusty door hinge, with care and maintenance, you knees can be trouble free. Even if you already experience problems, exercising the muscles surrounding the knee joints— Quadriceps (front of thigh), Hamstrings (back of thigh), Abductor (outside thigh), and Adductor (inside thigh)—will help make your knees stronger and less susceptible to injury. Exercise keeps your joints from stiffening and provides needed support, making movement easier and reducing pain.

    Here are some exercises you can do to both stretch and strengthen the knee area:


    Chair knee extension: Sitting in a chair, rest your foot on another chair so the knee is slightly raised. Gently push the raised knee toward the floor using only leg muscles. Hold for 5 - 10 seconds and release. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
    Heel slide knee extension: Lie on your back, with left knee bent and left foot flat on floor. Slowly slide the left heel away from your body so both legs are parallel. Hold for 5-10 seconds, return to starting position. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
    Knee flexion: Sitting in a chair, loop a long towel under your foot (resting on the floor). Gently pull on the towel with both hands to bend the knee, raising your foot 4 - 5 inches off the floor. Hold for 5 - 10 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
    Quadriceps stretch: Sitting in a chair (or on the floor), straighten your leg and hold. If seated on the floor, make sure the leg is a few inches off of the ground. Release and repeat 5 times on each leg.
    Hamstring stretch: Standing, put one foot in front of you, toes up. With hands on the small of your back (or one hand holding a chair for balance), bend the opposite knee and hip (not your lower back), until you feel the hamstrings stretch. The upper body comes forward at the hip. Hold for 5 -10 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
    Wall slide: Leaning with your back against a wall, bend your knees 30°, sliding down the wall, then straighten up again. Move slowly and smoothly, using your hands on the wall for balance. Keep feet and legs parallel, and do not allow knees to go out over the toes. Repeat 5 -10 times.
    Bent-Leg Raises: Sitting in a chair, straighten one leg in the air (without locking the knee). Hold for about one minute. Bend your knee to lower the leg about halfway to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Return to starting position. Work up to 4 reps on each leg.
    Straight-Leg Raises: Sitting in a chair, rest your foot on another chair. Lift the foot a few inches off the chair while keeping your leg straight. Hold for 5 -10 seconds. Return to resting position. Repeat 5 -10 times. (Also work on increasing the time, up to 2-3 minutes if possible.)
    Abductor Raise: Lie on your side, propped on one elbow. The leg on the floor bent, the other straight. Slowly lift the top leg, hold for 5 -10 seconds, then lower. (Ankle weights will increase the intensity). Do 1-3 sets with 12-15 repetitions each. Remember to rest in between sets.
    Hamstring Curl: Stand with the front of your thighs against a surface (a table or wall). Flex one knee up as far as is comfortable. Hold for 5 - 10 seconds, then lower slowly. If possible, do not touch the floor between repetitions. (Ankle weights will increase the intensity.) Do 1-3 sets with 12-15 repetitions each. Remember to rest in between sets.
    Step-Ups: Stand in front of a step, like a sturdy bench or stairs, about two feet high (or less if necessary). Step up onto the support, straighten your knees fully (without locking them) and step down. Maintain a steady pace. If you are comfortable with your balance, pump your arms while doing this exercise. Start with 1 minute, slowly building your time. Gets your heart pumping too!
    Stationary Bike: Biking is a good way to increase strength and range of motion. Make sure you have the right positioning of the legs. At the bottom of the pedal stroke, the bend in the knee should be 15 degrees. Start with 10 minutes and slowly increase your time.
    Depending on your current level of activity and mobility, a good start is 3 stretching and 3 strengthening exercises, 3-4 times a week. Stretching can be (and should be) done everyday if possible to prevent stiffness and achy joints. These stretches can be done a few times a day if needed.
    Always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. These exercises are designed to help, not hurt. If you experience pain at any time during the exercise, stop. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.

    BONUS TIP: If you have increased soreness after doing these exercises, it may help to ice your knee or knees for 10 - 20 minutes. Place a bag of ice (or frozen vegetables) over the joint, with a towel between to protect the skin. Elevate your leg on a chair if ice alone is inadequate.
  • burnett50
    burnett50 Posts: 46
    Swimming is definatly the way to go.... I have just come back from a session at the pool. One hour of breast stroke and now I have an extra 700 cal to use on food. Brill!:laugh: I started slowly (about fiftenn mins a time) as I have a dodgy knee, courteous of my clumsy dog who bowled me over on a walk a couple of years ago, and now I do at least an hour twice a week. I'm fitter and my knee seems bettter too so its a double whammy!:happy:
  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33
    My right knee is really bad too. 3 surgeries, barely any cartilage, arthritis has begun to set in. I'm 40 years old and am in daily pain - can't even wear high heels without paying the price. Tried two rounds of the supartz injections (material from the comb of a rooster) and a cortisone injection to no avail. I've been told to swim, but I resist exercise when there's no music or tv to distract me. The one thing that's made a difference: strengthening my quads on the pilates reformer. All the exercises that they gave me in physical therapy were either to passive (electric stim, ultrasound) or too painful (squats, leg press). The pilates reformer is nice because the instructor can start you off on an ultra-light resistance level and s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y build you up. I finally got some muscle definition back in my right quad, and that has definitely helped matters. I would recommend private sessions, if you can afford them. My guy is affordable because it's just him and his very small studio. I go 3x/week, and if I miss a session, my knee certainly lets me know it!

    But I won't lie to you - I still have nights of misery. I'm basically killing time until I'm old enough for knee replacement (only 20 more years to go!) or until medical science catches up with me! I wish you luck, and totally empathize!:flowerforyou:
  • blink14
    blink14 Posts: 57 Member
    I have a bad knee too, on top of some other structural/joint problems. I am able to do biking, but as far as low impact, have you tried pilates or yoga? there are a few moves, more so in yoga, that might put strain on your knees but you can avoid those and still get a really good workout.