MM Challenge-Closed Group



  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Here is a link about fruit and vegetable serving sizes
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Well on my way to making todays fruit and veggie thing!

    Included tomato with my ham toastie for breakfast, lunch I had chicken with peas, carrots, olives and half a tomato. :)

    Had watermelon for a snack and planning on fish and veggies for dinner! :)

    Hope everybody is doing well!
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi all!

    I am the Veggie Queen! I love veggies! So, I am working this week on eating even more by replacing other starches. Yum!

    I alos found a new kind of squash - Chimoyo(?) squash. LIght green and looks like a fruit - Hmmm.. Willing to try something new!

    Are you all working hard, cause I have started riding the stationary bike at 6 a.m. in addition to my evening exercises. I really dislike it, but it was a great workout this a.m. Think of me huffing away on your daily work outs!

    Finally, I am happy to be the co-captain of the team, since no one else offered. Does anyone have an idea for a logo?

    Let's talk!

    How are you all doing out there???

  • heatherconcoff
    TIme to check in!!!

    How are you all doing out there?????????

    A few more days til check in! Don't forget to write in your info on the google doc spreadsheet:)

    Hope y'all are having the same great week I have!

    Looking for a loss tomorrow on the scales.

  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I uploaded 6 photos on my profile

    A. 2 women walking in woods
    B. 3 women walking on street
    C. image of feet surrounded by a heart
    D. image of heart surrounded by feet
    E. several women with foot in circle
    F. 2 women resting feet on mountain

    If you have any other ideas for our group logo let us know or vote for one of these.
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    I really like the one with the circle of feet, but they all look great to me! This week has been good to me so far! Feeling very energetic and trying to get in as much exercise as possible! Hope you ladies are having a wonderful week!
  • heatherconcoff
    I like the same! The one with lots of people's feet in a circle. Nice image! Thanks so much! I looked around, but didn't find anything. You're awesome!

    Excited for Saturday!
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Hey guys can some one help me out??
    I need sumone to email me the challanges on here & update my weigh ins etc untill 9 Feb 2012 as ill be in BALI &
    only have access on my IPHONE
    Let me no if u can help me out & ill email u on here :)
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Hayes, send me your weight and and information for the challenges this week. I will send you a message with the challenge information for next week Sunday when the new challenge is posted. Have fun in Bali.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    The new challenge is up for the week. Our challenge is:

    Stay under sodium everyday

    Burn your weight in calories 1X for one day 2X for 2 days and 3X for 3 days--I put what you should burn on the spreadsheet and we can mix up the days

    We got a penalty to do 75 burpees each for the week

    And Hayes did not say if she did last weeks challenges until after the deadline so she has an additional 60 burpees to do and has to report them directly to MM

    Please update the spreadsheet or me DAILY. If anyone turns in their info late next week you will be eliminated, lets not let that happen.
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    My apologies ladies for not updating - I'm all over these challenges this week!

    Did my burpies in my lunch break! Going for a walk tonight straight after work and have actually started a detox today.

    Breakfast consisted of blueberries, raspberries and spinach all blended
    Lunch - sausage casserole with brown rice
    Dinner - detox soup (basically just veggies blended together :P )

    Will be easy for me to stay under sodium this week as I will be detoxing :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Tonya sent me a message letting us know that we only need to do 60 burpees each or 10 a day.
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi Ladies! I'm back! The moving is done, and I am back in the saddle, so to speak!

    I am doing my Burpies - 60 each, 10 a day, but I will be shooting for 20 a day, just in case we need them.

    My weight numbers are getting messed up because of the sodium I had at one meal out. Plus, my bad timing to eat it on Friday night, right before weigh in. Still, that should bode well for this week.

    So, I am not going to eat out this week! No processed foods. No junk food - the good news is that I am off sugar!

    Love ya' all! Go team!!!
  • heatherconcoff
    Hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is a big calorie burn day! 3X! What a challenge:) Looking for it to help me loose a few pounds!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good week. I don't have trouble burning enough calories but I struggle with the sodium and I hate burpees. I will try to do a few extra just in case we need them.

    Heather, good luck on your big calorie burn tomorrow, you were almost there today. I have to break mine into 2 workouts to burn enough calories.
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    I hate burpees too which is why I have gotten most of them out of the way.

    Really keeping a tab on the sodium level really makes a massive difference! I have been doing a cleanse over the past few days, just mainly fruit and veggies and no caffeine

    I am feeling quite good for it :)

    Unfortunately I couldn't get any exercise done yesterday as I had to drive my daughter up to my parents house (she stays there for the night during the week with my nan) and it's an hour drive, there and back! Plus I need to spend some time with her as well.

    Have body combat on tonight for an hour which should definitely burn some calories!

    Good luck ladies! :)
  • heatherconcoff
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm off now to do my hour on the treadmill... C25K is my new friend. Love the podcast you can download. Quite Nifty, and makes it easier for me. Good luck on those burpees!
  • heatherconcoff
    Good work this week! Wow!!! Go team!!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Hayes posted this today:

    hayes1311 Hey everyone. I am withdrawing from all competitions on here that require me to participate/log weight weekly. I will try keeping up with everything at home but being in Bali I haven't been able to weigh in or do much excercise & I've been drinking way too much I will also be having a operation soon & not sure wen that will be so best to drop out now. sorry to disappoint all my team mates
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    This weeks challenge has been posted. Here's a recap:

    Drink 100 oz of water a day

    Eat every color in the rainbow in any combination of fruits & veggies

    Log your food everyday

    Jumping Jacks--minimum of 21 a day, but do as many as you can

    Mountain Climbers--65 for the week