RANT: parents who criticize heavy kids

ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
I just finished reading about all the comments overweight individuals get from people. A number of members described disparaging comments that came from parents. It struck me that parents have no business talking like that to a child when they themselves control the grocery shopping! Parents also bear a great responsibility teaching portion control! I have also read threads where young people put part of the blame on their parents for their weight by keeping crap in the home. I get it.


  • You're right, people can blame the school or society all they want but in the end it's what the parents feed their kids at home that decide how their child will turn out most of time.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I agree! Also, when the parents themselves don't exercise. Criticizing for habits they've instilled is just stupid!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I never got criticized by my parents, just my parent's friends, I was healthy & a good weight for my age, I was thin actually just not as thin as my classmates by about 5-10lbs & there was this one friend that my parents had who always called me fat! without fail, she'd come to my house just to tell my parents how fat I was! I blame that on my disordered eating over the years & my weight gain, not my parents, they fed me well, good portions & food. I was the one who refused to eat & they couldn't make me eat & I was the one who ate tons when I wasn't at home, buying crisps & chocolate with my dinner money.
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    My parents fed me well, but it was me who decided to buy those donoughts and sweet treats all the time, they told me often that they would make me fat, so I tried not to tell my parents what did I buy for lunch in school (besides of my parents' healthy option), but it's all those industrial sweets and biscuits that started piling up, however I used to be very active and did gymnastics so I kept on ideal BMI all time...

    However when I left home for studies and live abroad..I started to cook pasta with loads of cheese and double cream, wow, surely my parents didn't show me how to cook that, however they warned me it wasn't precisely healthy and to watch out, so to be honest, let's not blame parents for everything.

    My parents bought cheese and spanish ham, for normal consumption, everything within reason is ok, but it was my brother who used to sneak in the fridge and ate most of it, so he ended up being an obese child of 9 years old, they tried everything, took him to loads of doctors and tried loads of diets. So all the family was following his diet at home, but somehow we all managed to keep fit but him.. why? because he kept over eating, THERE WAS A TIME THAT MY PARENTS HAD TO PUT A PADLOCK IN THE FRIDGE AND FOOD CUPBOARD!!! to stop my brother from overeating, but you can't punish a whole family of 5 with no chocolate or cheese just because one of them have an eating disorder, or can you?

    My mother is very slim, and my father overeats all the time too, although they always liked going for long walks, and my father did loads of biking and walking, yet he can't get out of the habit of eating pretty much everything with bread, and I think that's what keeps him with that big tummy.