Anybody lost 5lbs in 3 weeks?

Please tell me how!


  • KateFitness89
    Yes It's totally doable! You're just going to have to really commit to working out. Diet wise make sure you have a 500-600 calorie deficit. I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. With that deficit alone you will lose about a pound a week. Then every week you need to burn about 2500-3000 calories working out. It sounds like a lot but if you break it up, it's not so bad. Try to burn 500 extra calories a day five to six days a week. I will usually do about a forty-five to fifty minute workout. Fifty minutes is a long time so I will mix it up. I will do sprints, jogging and the elliptical all in one workout so I don't get bored. If you can't set aside fifty minutes all at once break it up through out the day. Do a quick 20 minute workout in the morning and then a 30 minute workout at night.

    Also sometimes if I'm feeling like I really don't have the energy for an intense workout, I will do some more fun (lower intensity) activities for just a longer duration. Go for an hour walk with a friend and spend time catching-up. Even at a 3.0 pace you will burn 300 calories an hour. I also like to dance. I try different workout videos and classes. If you can I would definitely recommend trying Zumba. You can burn 500-600 calories for an hour long class. Just try to find something you love. The time will go by much faster than if you were to spend that hour running on a treadmill.

    Hope this was helpful. All it takes is hard work and commitment.. Good luck!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • discombobula
    discombobula Posts: 11 Member
    I've been doing this thing for a week and lost 4 lbs.

    I think its more because I've been doing a lot of cardio and some strength exercises while not totally pigging out on salty snacks.