For those that have lost a lot of weight, excess skin...

did you get it?

I see so many wonderful people that have lost a huge amount a weight, and one thing I notice is there is not a lot of extra skin.

I think that is my one worry about losing weight, so I'm doing toning as well, and losing weight gradually.

Any hints or tips? Or should I just deal with it. I have a post natal stomach pouch that probably will never go away, but the only person I need to flatter is myself.




  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Strength Training, and LOTS of water!! And losing it slowly helps.
  • ruthnor
    ruthnor Posts: 35
    I don't have much experience with this personally, but from what I understand, excess skin is more likely to happen when you lose a huge amount of weight in a short period of time (eg, contestants on Biggest Loser). Since most of the people on MFP lose weight in a slow, gradual way, that's probably why there isn't a lot of extra skin around here. :p So from what you're saying, you're probably doing fine! Agreeing with the person above me, too.
  • 2012loseit
    2012loseit Posts: 37 Member
    It's one of my fears as well and that i have a number of friends that have lost weigh and they look 10 years older.... But i keep getting told water, water and more water... which for me isn't a problem i drink anywhere from 2 - 3 litres a day... Worst case if i end up with it i have told hubby he has to find the money so i can have plastic surgery.... LOL he told me he will preform it himself...
  • Hoosier_born
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    It's one of my fears as well and that i have a number of friends that have lost weigh and they look 10 years older.... But i keep getting told water, water and more water... which for me isn't a problem i drink anywhere from 2 - 3 litres a day... Worst case if i end up with it i have told hubby he has to find the money so i can have plastic surgery.... LOL he told me he will preform it himself...

    I lost 160 lbs in about 20 months. I lost it in the most healthy way (eating right, exercising, strength training, TONS and TONS of water) and in a reasonable amount of time. I have a horrible amount of loose skin :cry: Also, everyone in my family told me that I looked "unhealthy" and 10 years older (I just turned 45 last month). In the last 2 years, I have gained some of the weight back and have got way more positive feedback as far as appearance and looking healthy go...of course I've gained more weight than actually IS healthy, and I am working on that again. I need to find a healthy, comfortable weight for myself so I don't look so "old" and unhealthy.

    I'm sure everyone's experience is different, as none of us are the same. But that was my experience. There's not much more frustrating than working so hard to be healthy and lose that much weight than ugly, loose skin:cry:

  • prettylittlechubby
    Before I came on here I lost a lot of weight quickly but was doing a lot of toning exercises and I have a "I just gave birth" tummy which I am trying to loose.

    I talked to my gym instructor and she told me to drink lots and lots of water, massage my tummy and also bio oil and moisturise it!!! She told me not to go full on with crunches as I still have some fat to loose so I do some pilates and other tummy toning exercises!!

    Also I had saggy upper legs/bum and now from doing kettle bells and some machines at the gym I actually see these toning.

    I haven't been very good at the moisturising and bio oil on my tummy but I am going to start now and see if there is a difference before summer. Hope this helps xx