Ladies Issues and weight loss

Hi Ladies,
Anyone else struggle to shift the pounds/kilos when the visitors are about each month? Its so frustrating, I did everything right yesterday and gained half a kilo (1 pound) overnight :-( I also find that it puts me back as well, so its not like it will suddenly all come off again in a few days, I actually have to work to take it all off again. So frustrating. Anyone else have this happen?


  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    There are so many threads in this topic because a lot of women are experiencing that problem. For me, I get snack cravings, and notice I put on a pound or two 2 weeks before I'm suppose to start! My boobs have also stated to swell up since ive started MFP??? Other women have gained more and say this happens for them a few days before they start and then the weight drops.
  • discombobula
    discombobula Posts: 11 Member
    I wonder if that will happen to me too.

    I have Mirena so don't get periods anymore but still have like sort of emotional/lady weirdness which my husband is convinced is happening once a month still.
  • StuffyStuff
    StuffyStuff Posts: 16 Member
    I notice the scale goes up during that time of the month...but when its over the scale goes back down. If you continue to work out and eat will see the difference inspite of ..Mother natures monthly delivery.
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    As long as you are meeting your calories goals don't worry about it. If intake<output then you are fine no matter what the scale says. The gain was mostly likely water and it's really something you have no control over. I know it sounds like the last thing you want to do but try a light workout on the days you feel the worst so you can get your sweat on. Also, I found that uping my water intake a few days before it starts helps me feel better. Good luck!