Wedding in 2013


I have been using the App on my ipad for about a week now and weighed myself this morning and have lost 5 pound already.
I have only just realised that there was a website I can log on at work which will hopefully keep me even more motivated.

Anyway, I got engaged at Christmas, which couldnt have made me happier. We are hopefully setting the date of September 2013 as next year is our 10th year together. I really want to look perfect on our wedding day and I am currently way overweight.

I would like to at least drop 4 dress sizes to a 14 and have nice skinny arms so I can have a sleeveless dress.

I want to loose this weight so I can look perfect on our wedding day and be fit enough to start thinking about having kids
Pklease fill free to add me as a friend as I need all the encouragement I can get.



  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Welcome and congts for your engagement...

    I am in...
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome Ally and congratulations!
    Well done with your effort so far :)
    Feel free to add me
  • congrats on ur engagement! we all would love 2drop some dress sizes and also my arms need some work... feel free to add me. would love 2 follow ur progress :-) u can do it x
  • sanna63
    sanna63 Posts: 16
    congrats on ur news : ) add me if u wish
  • Congratulations on your engagement Ally. I want to drop 3 dress sizes by the end of the year and I need to do some serious work on my arms too. You can reach your goal in time for your wedding. Add me if you want and good luck with the weight loss hun.