Get Sexy By Valentine's Day Challenge

So, I am getting this out there into the world and making saying it out loud, because I want to hold myself to it.

My goal for the next 16 days is to lose 7-10 lbs.

I know this is pushing the limits, but I want to CHALLENGE myself.

Losing the weight in time for Valentine's Day is a present to myself, but I think the confidence that I gain will also be a gift to my loved one.

Overall, I just want to feel a lot more comfortable with myself!

So.... what are your goals for Valentine's Day???

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • dusty8907
    dusty8907 Posts: 350 Member
    Drop 5lbs more and get a date? Lol
  • tiffanyneedstolose
    tiffanyneedstolose Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to lose at the least 10 lbs as well.
  • Koketa0510
    Get RID of 5pds and go out on a date with my hubby.
  • DairByNature
    DairByNature Posts: 35 Member
    my goal is to loose 5lb & feel sexy again for my hubby, i mean come i think he deserves it x x x x keep up the good work everyone :heart:
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    I'd like to notice a little difference in my body by the time valintines day comes. I don't have a boyfriend though so the victory will be just for me :)
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Welp I am already sexy. So my goal is to not binge of the cheap chocolate that comes the day after valentines day. But in the next 14 days i'd like to lose 8 lbs. If I am lucky
  • jessielanee
    Do it girl, although thats alot of pounds for 16 days... But it can be the start of a great lifestyle change!
    Ill do the Valentines Day Challange with you.
    I wanna loose 3 more kg by then! I dont know how much that is in pounds.
  • choccay
    choccay Posts: 32
    It would be nice to just be able to see *some* change in my body. Been at this for months and months and haven't noticed myself looking any different (despite losing 6kg/13lbs)
  • aurinia
    aurinia Posts: 15
    Oh I'll join in too! Only just joined mfp so this can be my first challenge! :D

    Would like to lose at least 6 lbs, better 8!

    Add me if you want :)
  • cyn1
    cyn1 Posts: 1
    Sounds like a good short term challenge! So I'll say 6 lbs by then.
    And I'll do it for my Heart!!
  • Diane0479
    I'm new to 'myfitnesspal' as I only found it on Thursday and so far I am loving it.

    I am going to join you and I would like to lose 6 lbs for valentines day for myself and my husband. ;-)

    Everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work. xx
  • Spooney45
    I'll join in too, I'll lose 7, but it's just for me because my girlfriend says I'm fine.....I think she's either in denial or just trying to be nice..