
  • Ok I've logged what i ate this weekend.

    Please have a look! :-)
  • Simzzz
    Simzzz Posts: 8
    I hear that!! I too find it hard! Especially when there is wine involved :) .. It's like vino is the devil & allows me to have a license to eat whatever I want!

    I found filling my diary out (no cutting corners) to be a huge wake-up call.. The reality of undisciplined weekends is in your face & you can't hide behind the unknown, so definitely worthwhile to log weekend calories
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    Do you record exercise?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Why do you do that? I would investigate the reason behind that behavior and work on that first.
  • Do you record exercise?

    *guilty face*

    I havent exercised for a couple of months. I used to run 10k 5 days a week during the summer. I recently bought 30 day shred and i'm starting that today. I'm a fit person too so its ashame..!
  • As per everyone else's comments - LOG YOUR WEEKENDS!! I tend to mess up on a weekend, but the more you track it all, the more you start to realise the choices you are making.

    For example, yesterday I was hungover a bit and decided to have a carb fest with McDonalds. I logged it, had a huge shock, but realised that I could still keep within my daily limits if I was careful. It isn't the right way to do it - I should have thrown in some more healthy foods (even if it took me over my daily intake).

    I don't beat myself up about it, just realise that next time I have a craving like that I need to look at something else. The more you track it, the more you start to dislike it, your weekends will just become another healthy day (even with the occasional gorge..haha)

    Keep going and don't beat yourself up, but do make a point to track everything..
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, just rememeber you can also record walking.
    When I was talking about one free day per week earlier, I meant one day at 1800 if your daily goal was 1500, and also meant that the rest of your days should remain within MFP limits.
    You don't have a lot of weight to lose, no need to drive yourself crazy over a diet, that's also why I suggested a free day.
    I'm sure you'll manage just fine, don't worry ;-)

    And as others said, still log everyday (incl. the "wrong ones")
  • thankyou everyone! i know now that i'll be logging my weekends so I realise what i'm eating instead of trying to hide it..

    :) feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Meeeeeeeeeeee too!! I dread the weekends! Especially with teenage boys and junk food! It's so hard and I keep healthy food fruits and veges around but that bag of doritios is sooooo much better....urggggggggggggggggg......
  • Monet1107
    Monet1107 Posts: 3 Member
    Me Too! :-(
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm the same... I don't even log accurately at the weekend lately for the shame... I work out hard during the week and eat really clean with nice big (1000kCals + per day deficit normally) deficits then come Saturday morning, I'll have a healthy breakfast, feel a bit hungry, eat something else and can't stop and just binge gorge...I think its boredom partly but also perhaps as I take my rest day then, my body hungry for calories!

    I just need more will power, or things to do, like going out shopping/cycling or something!!!!
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Try planning your meals for the weekends- log everything and hold yourself accountable. Instead of using the whole weekend as a cheat, try allowing yourself 1 cheat MEAL (not a whole cheat day). Limit that meal to about 90 minutes and make sure you eat it at a table (not in your car, not standing at a bar, not at your computer). When you get up from the table, the cheat meal is over. During that cheat meal, allow yourself to indulge a little- have foods you normally don't allow yourself at other meals. Give yourself one fun meal to look forward to after a week of of working hard to reach your goals.
  • You deffo need to log your food at the weekends. Its all about planning your food for the weekend.
    I have found that its still cool to have domino's you just can't have a whole pizza - have a slice or two and a massive salad. That way its a bit better for you and you don't have to beat yourself up about it.
    You could also try going for a 30min walk each day to help burn it all off!
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    I slip up on the weekends but i always log. I had a 110 day streak going and I was a sleepy head all Friday and forgot to log. My wife and I love to eat out, we just like relaxing vs cooking on the weekends. It's a lifestyle change for sure.

    Just gotta get into the groove!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I was always the same way and failed miserably at dieting and I struggled for years. I have now found a plan that allows, even requires me to eat more on the weekends. Have one day a week to eat at a surplus. Use this day for your guiltless weekend day that is the hardest for you. Look into spike84. Eat bmr for six days and have one day at 2 x bmr. This diet is also a plateau buster and helps to get really lean.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Do you record exercise?

    *guilty face*

    I havent exercised for a couple of months. I used to run 10k 5 days a week during the summer. I recently bought 30 day shred and i'm starting that today. I'm a fit person too so its ashame..!

    I think the KFC and Mcdonalds may have a little to do with it...A mega bump of calories in one meal with little or no excercise..
  • I tend to fall off the wagon on weekends too. This weekend I did really well, and the difference for me was logging in my food intake at each meal and really trying to stick with my allotted calorie intake. It helped me and when I saw I was close to going over before dinner, it motivated me to work out for 30 minutes. I am really going to try to stay on top of it on weekends, because it is easy to say wth and do whatever. Maybe if you tend to do a free for all on weekends, tell yourself that you have to work out a little more to make up for it. But if you do get off track, don't beat yourself up, just try try again!
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    me too, I dont have any advice. I would like to hear others ideas
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I thought I was "failing" at weekends, too, until a friend pointed out that I wasn't eating all of my calories during the week, so for a weekly total, I'm still right at goal. I still log weekends, and I try to plan for those extra calories. I then eat WHAT I want, but in much smaller quantities than I would have before.

    For example, yesterday, I knew we'd be going out for lunch, so I had a light breakfast. When we ended up at Cheesecake Factory, I knew I'd be having dessert, so I ate about a third of my entree then split a slice of cheesecake with my husband.

    I still went over by about 200 calories for the day, but I had more than that "in the bank" from my remaining calories earlier in the week. I really enjoyed my food because I got to taste WHAT I wanted, but I walked out without feeling bloated or out of control, and I had enough entree left for 2 more meals...YUM!

    Another option to cover the 200 calorie overage for the day would have been to pop in 30 day shred or step on the treadmill when I got home. Either way, I'm finding there is a way to balance doing what it takes to lose weight while still enjoying the foods I love (in moderation...less often & smaller quantities). And, it's all based on my choices.
  • PLAN PLAN PLAN!!! its def ok to have a cheat meal/snack. But if you plan for it, you will be less likely to over indulge at other times!!! It can be seen as your reward for working so hard during the week :)