bikram yoga



  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Azdak,
    Sorry I don't exactly know what 'thermal stress' means. Are you saying the heart rate is only increasing because of the heat? I disagree. Have you taken a yoga class? Have you taken a Bikram yoga class? With either but especially with Bikram there's a lot more than just passive stretching happening. Students are asked to use their muscle strength to facilitate the stretching that happens in these postures. And not for a single 'inhale, exhale' either but for 20-60 seconds.

    I will agree however that sometimes the room is so humid it may feel better to wipe the sweat. However a major component of this yoga class is treating it as a meditation. The class feels less overwhelming the more the student is able to focus. It's a point I always stress when I teach. The more one is able to refrain from wiping, fidgeting, stopping to drink water, the more fluid the class will be & the greater the reward to the student's mental well-being. The more excuses the student finds to break his/her concentration from the stillness in the mind, the more unnecessarily difficult it will be.

    Does that make sense?

    Thermal stress is, simply, a physiologic response to heat. In this case, an external heat source or increase in core body temperature causes the heart to beat faster. Unlike aerobic exercise, the increase in heart rate that occurs with thermal stress does not result in an increase in oxygen uptake. It's the increased oxygen uptake that leads to the increased caloric burn, not the increased heart rate itself. This has become a more common misunderstanding because people rely so much on heart rate monitors, and, in the case of thermal stress, heart rate monitor calorie estimates are useless.

    My comments about sweating were directly solely at the physiological mechanisms. They were not intended to be a value judgement or address the meditative aspects of yoga.

    As you so well describe, yoga is more than just physical--the mind/body interaction is an essential part of the experience.

    If it were just about mild holding/stretching postures in a heated room, I would definitely agree with you. But there is more effort involved with this series. The heat does facilitate the muscles to be able to do more stretching so more is asked of the student.

    But your point is made. Thanks for the clarification.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Hi ninerbuff,
    You folks are really making me work for it.
    Just because the students are not jumping around does not mean the heart is not pumping faster. I would argue there is much happening aerobically with the heart as with running.

    We're holding strenuous poses in 100+ degrees of heat. The breaks between postures can seem painfully short.

    Let's take one example. Utkatasana, Awkward Pose. It comes in 3 parts, each about 20-30 seconds long. The whole time your arms oustretched in front of you and students are instructed to continuously stretch them forward to counterbalance the other movements in this posture. With the feet hip width distance they first sit down in a squat and then arch the upper body back. The abdominals must be contracted the whole time to get into and out of this posture safely. Second part they rise up on their toes and then sit into another full squat (thighs parallel to the floor) while staying on the balls of the feet. Hold 20 seconds. The spine is straight (there's a tendency to lean forward), arms stretched outwards. Third part they bring their knees together and in a slow count of ten slide all the way down with a straight spine until their hips hover a half inch from their heels. To get the thighs parallel they must pitch their knees forward a bit (squeeze the knees!) and lean the upper body back, core strength is crucial to stay balanced here. On the second set they are asked to bounce with big, "juicy" bounces a few times, freeze at the upswing and come up slowly. We do 2 sets of all the postures.

    Again I don't have the advantage of a fitness certification or degree of physiology and I'm growing weary of this argument but I'm glad this was brought up. If anyone's paying attention I would gladly go back to my books to find more solid evidence of the efficacy of this class for cardio and strength (as well as meditation and overall health). Suffice it to say that this is not your average hatha yoga class and I would encourage you to try a few to see for yourselves.

    This class will kick your *kitten* in the very best way.

    This is always one of the more difficult discussions when it comes to fitness. Trying to separate fact from assumption, trying to define common meanings for words, and trying to work through the defensiveness that can arise when the presenting of facts is perceived as denigrating the activity as a whole.

    Just the facts:

    increased heart rate does not always equal either cardiovascular (aerobic) training or increased caloric burn; neither does increased sweating; neither does muscle fatigue.

    an activity or class can "kick *kitten*" without achieving significant calorie burn or cardiovascular training.

    Cardiovascular training/high calorie burn are not the only criteria for determining the overall effectiveness/benefit/enjoyment of a fitness activity. Saying an activity does not have a high cardiovascular training component is NOT a perjorative statement.

    "Fitness", "well-being" are terms that mean different things to different people. The physical effects of a particular exercise or program mean different things to different people. Our ability to function physically is affected by our cardiovascular fitness level, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. A person's individual physical and psychological makeup has a significant influence on the types of physical activity they will enjoy and find rewarding. The efficacy of a program is ultimately determined by the person doing it.

    Every activity evokes a set of physiological responses. Again, there is no moral value associated with this. It just is.
    People need to match the specific effects of the activity to their needs.

    Yoga, for the most part, has a modest cardiovascular component (I am referring to typical yogic poses, not some hybrid); the strength and flexibility training adaptations are also unique as well. The physiologic responses that occur during yoga are not the same as those that occur during running or during traditional weight lifting. Doesn't mean yoga is better or worse, just different.

    The physiology is the physiology. The only problem I see is that if a proponent of a particular type of exercise (whatever type that is--yoga, pilates, HIIT, super slow, marathon training, you name it) overpromises what that particular activity will achieve and tries to make all exercise activities equivalent.

    You're right Azdak, the enjoyment and effectiveness of any physical activity is subjective.
    And yes, it can get personal. I apologize if I got snippy. Up until a few posts ago I was typing from my iphone and my short responses came off as curt or rude. If I'd had more patience I would have written more elaborately to my point then. SORRY! I don't want to misrepresent my yoga teacher community by getting heated on this subject.

    Bikram yoga is not really hybrid. It's traditional hatha yoga poses with heat added to replicate the conditions in India where the creator of this series comes from.

    And that's all I'll say on this subject. If anyone else is reading this, I'd encourage you to try a class and add comments to your experience.

    I am curious about other types of exercise. My weight issues have more to do with emotional or "stress eating" than my exercise of choice. I have muscle definition and tons of energy but when it comes to my other job as a freelance illustrator or other social stressors, I choose the wrong coping mechanism. I only have 10lbs. to lose (the cursed 10 lbs.!!!) and that's why I'm here.

    If anyone has other types of physical exercise they think I or anyone should try please let me know. Just speaking as a physical exercise, I like Bikram because it is an intense physical 90 minutes for me and I tend to keep my weight down more effectively with it than with other yoga classes or gym classes I've had. Boxing was intense for me too but injury risk was high. Same with running. I had to quit both for those reasons. I had a short career as a swing dancer and again injury or the risk was too high to be comfortable. So where to go from here? Maybe this should be a new post. Sorry to hijack this one, carro585!
  • carro585
    carro585 Posts: 40 Member
    No problem at all! Just checked in for the first time since my last post. Even if the calorie burn is not as high as I may have thought (it's been very interesting to read the debate), I can already tell that Bikram can majorly improve overall strength and flexibility - and who doesn't want that?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    If anyone has other types of physical exercise they think I or anyone should try please let me know. Just speaking as a physical exercise, I like Bikram because it is an intense physical 90 minutes for me and I tend to keep my weight down more effectively with it than with other yoga classes or gym classes I've had. Boxing was intense for me too but injury risk was high. Same with running. I had to quit both for those reasons. I had a short career as a swing dancer and again injury or the risk was too high to be comfortable. So where to go from here? Maybe this should be a new post. Sorry to hijack this one, carro585!
    You are well accustomed to intense exercise already, so the next level would be to increase the resistance. Considered heavier lifting at 6 repetitions with as much resistance as you can handle with good form. "New Rules for Lifting for Women" has been a great program for many females here looking to help knock off extra weight that is tough to get rid of. High intensity raises RMR and a higher RMR burns more fat at rest.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    No problem at all! Just checked in for the first time since my last post. Even if the calorie burn is not as high as I may have thought (it's been very interesting to read the debate), I can already tell that Bikram can majorly improve overall strength and flexibility - and who doesn't want that?
    And this is why it's a great addition for some to include.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    No problem at all! Just checked in for the first time since my last post. Even if the calorie burn is not as high as I may have thought (it's been very interesting to read the debate), I can already tell that Bikram can majorly improve overall strength and flexibility - and who doesn't want that?

    Yes--not everything is about calorie burn. Certainly none of my comments are meant to disparage or criticize any form of yoga in any way.

    Like I said in an earlier post--physiology is physiology. All I try to do is sort out the facts for people so that they can make informed decisions about their fitness programs.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi there, I have been doing this Hot yoga for 4 weeks now and the difference it has made to me is unbelievable, whther its calories being burned or not. I work hard at it, I attend an organised class 3 times a week. Sweat like crazy ! holding the poses and the repetitions certainly feel as though their working, my abdomen is certainly taking shape, before I have tried gyms but didnt work for me boring to be honest.. So have found this and I'm not to bothered about what it burns I just input the automatic yoga button on the ipod, lol .. what I do love is the complete inner peace I feel after the session, I dont walk out - I float. Its a great feeling and certainly helped with my stress levels, I have ditched the wine as well.. oh and my bad back is better than ever. I recommend it but be warned its addictive but in a healthy way I think x

    Nameste :happy:
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I think there is a misapprehension about yoga that it is just a load of stretches when really you are working a lot of different muscle groups simultaneously in many of the poses. That said 885 kcal in 90 minutes does seem like a lot. It's difficult to estimate how many, I put down about 350/hr for Ashtanga which is quite a lot of movement, but I don't know how Bikram compares.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I hear that you can burn a lot of calories doing hot yoga...anywhere from 500-1000 calories depending on body size. This is just from what I have read.

    This is why I want to try hot yoga too. Not to mention everyone says it is super relaxing!

    I hope it goes well...have fun, drink lots of water, and stay with it. :)
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    defnitely will try one day
  • audddyy
    audddyy Posts: 21
    Wow I didn't realise you burn so many cals, I have wanted to try for a while too, think I will asap now... I have also been slightly intimidated. Hope it goes well for you! :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm trying bikram (hot) yoga for the first time this afternoon. A calculator on says I'll burn 885 calories in 90 this for real? Anybody know of any other good ways to calculate calories burned, since MFP doesn't have a category for this?

    I'm kind of intimidated by the thought of doing yoga for 90 minutes in a heated room, but everybody I know who has tried it says it's awesome. Any tips for first-timers?

    I'm skeptical of the calorie burns I see claimed for yoga. An hour of power yoga (pretty intense) for me burns about 200, but I've seen claims that it can burn up to 600 calories for 60 minutes.

    Yoga is fantastic, but it isn't a major calorie burn.

    Also, make sure you're actually doing BIKRAM. That is a very specific set of poses. There are hot yoga classes that are not Bikram and that can make a difference in calories.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I love Bikram yoga! I only do it about once a week, but it's been incredibly helpful in losing weight. I still don't have a good idea of what the calorie burn should be-- the lowest number I've seen for someone of my size is 789 calories, so that's what I log. But I still think that's too high, so I never eat back all the exercise calories from it.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I used a HRM when I was practising Bikram, and I was burning between 400 & 600 calories a session. Many factors influenced that number though, including the heat of the room and my energy levels on the day. Obviously each person would be different, depending on fitness level, weight etc.....

    (I'm 169cm, and was around 90kg back then, to give you an idea if you may be similar!)

    Enjoy! (You may feel you wanna die sometimes, but it gets better, and easier, so stick it out) :wink: And you'll feel amazing at the end :smile:
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    If you really want to know how many calories you're burning, I suggest investing in a good HRM :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Wow I didn't realise you burn so many cals, I have wanted to try for a while too, think I will asap now... I have also been slightly intimidated. Hope it goes well for you! :)
    You don't. You may sweat more, but that's to heat not to the actual process of thermogenisis.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    Am I the only one who is NOT thrilled about bikram yoga? I love regular yoga (ashtanga, sometimes hatha, or Jillian Michael's cardio-yoga-hybrid), so I was intrigued when I heard about this particular version. So I talked to two trainers to get more information, and what they told me made me decide to stick with my previous yoga courses after all.

    Unfortunately, I can't supply any scientific sources supporting what I'm about to pass on. They didn't give me any and I don't have time to search right now. But what they said did make sense...

    First, Bikram yoga does NOT burn any more calories than regular yoga. A lot of people feel like it's more strenuous because they sweat like crazy, and usually sweating like crazy is associated with very vigorous exercise. The extreme heat just increases the strain of the practice on your body, and the risk of becoming dehydrated is very high if you're not very careful about drinking enough.

    Secondly, the risk of injury is higher in bikram than other forms of yoga because the extreme heat coaxes you into deeper and more extreme positions than you would otherwise be able to do. It's an artificial, external heating of your body, instead of heating through exercise. The latter makes blood flow to your muscles and opens up tiny blood vessels. The first just makes you feel really hot and you attempt intense stretches actually being in the right condition for it.

    I guess if you are very careful to re-hydrate and if you don't go too crazy with your stretches, and if the heat makes you feel GOOD, then there's no reason why you shouldn't go ahead with it... If it's an exercise you enjoy and that makes you come back to the gym.

    Unless you're pregnant. In that case you should absolutely stay away from bikram yoga, because the risk of injury is EVEN higher then, and the heat may damage the fetus.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    I used a HRM when I was practising Bikram, and I was burning between 400 & 600 calories a session. Many factors influenced that number though, including the heat of the room and my energy levels on the day. Obviously each person would be different, depending on fitness level, weight etc.....

    (I'm 169cm, and was around 90kg back then, to give you an idea if you may be similar!)

    Enjoy! (You may feel you wanna die sometimes, but it gets better, and easier, so stick it out) :wink: And you'll feel amazing at the end :smile:
    HRM's aren't accurate for ANY strength training exercise. Remember it reads heart rate. So even if you sat and watched a "thriller" or "scary" movie that got your heart rate up, the HRM can't tell it's NOT exercise but a jump in BPM's.

    Since yoga is more anaerobic than aerobic, it would be on the same category as strength training and even a good session of strength training is about 300-450 calories an hour.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Mid -- No, you are not the only one. I sweat enough doing yoga in my air-conditioned living room with a ceiling fan going. Yoga to me isn't about sweating to death, but instead increasing flexibility, balance and strength. I don't need 105 degrees and humidity to do that.

    And if I wanted that, I'd just do it outside in the summer. I live in Florida, after all! lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Am I the only one who is NOT thrilled about bikram yoga? I love regular yoga (ashtanga, sometimes hatha, or Jillian Michael's cardio-yoga-hybrid), so I was intrigued when I heard about this particular version. So I talked to two trainers to get more information, and what they told me made me decide to stick with my previous yoga courses after all.

    Unfortunately, I can't supply any scientific sources supporting what I'm about to pass on. They didn't give me any and I don't have time to search right now. But what they said did make sense...

    First, Bikram yoga does NOT burn any more calories than regular yoga. A lot of people feel like it's more strenuous because they sweat like crazy, and usually sweating like crazy is associated with very vigorous exercise. The extreme heat just increases the strain of the practice on your body, and the risk of becoming dehydrated is very high if you're not very careful about drinking enough.

    Secondly, the risk of injury is higher in bikram than other forms of yoga because the extreme heat coaxes you into deeper and more extreme positions than you would otherwise be able to do. It's an artificial, external heating of your body, instead of heating through exercise. The latter makes blood flow to your muscles and opens up tiny blood vessels. The first just makes you feel really hot and you attempt intense stretches actually being in the right condition for it.

    I guess if you are very careful to re-hydrate and if you don't go too crazy with your stretches, and if the heat makes you feel GOOD, then there's no reason why you shouldn't go ahead with it... If it's an exercise you enjoy and that makes you come back to the gym.

    Unless you're pregnant. In that case you should absolutely stay away from bikram yoga, because the risk of injury is EVEN higher then, and the heat may damage the fetus.
    Funny you brought this up, but much of what you said is true. In any exercise, it's NOT recommended to stretch any muscle STATICALLY (stretching while holding it the stretch) when it's cold. This could lead to injury of the muscle. You warm up a muscle doing DYNAMIC stretching (stretching the muscle with small movements) and this increases blood flow to the muscle cells.
    Now while most people who do yoga probably have decent flexibility, a static stretch may not affect them too much, but a beginner can definitely be over enthusiastic and end up pushing themselves beyond what their actual flexibility is.
    Even before doing any yoga, it's a good idea just to get some blood flow to the muscle by a quick walk or warm up of 5-10 minutes. Better safe than sorry.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition