Back again...

I used Fitness Pal a while ago and I ofund it useful but did not use it diligently. I have a lot of health issues due ot my weight so I am very committed to doing something. I have 20 pounds to lose and it seems impossible. My spirits are not the greatest. Hope to connect with some of you.


  • sherrik10
    sherrik10 Posts: 74 Member
    I know how you feel. I am back after taking a break for awhile and gaining back weight. You can add me if you like!
  • I'm trying MFP for the first time and have a large amount to ticker below is not all I have to lose to make a healthy weight but the number was so demotivating that I decided to take it in steps.

    Seems like a great community here and lots of people shaing motivation. FGeel free to add me and we can motivate each other.
  • shirleyisblessed
    shirleyisblessed Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Denise,

    I am new to this, but I am positive that it will help the both of us. We have to encourage one another. Sometimes, you need to change what you are doing if it is not working. I recently did the Daniel Fast for 21 days and lost 12 pounds. But I know that I can't just maintain a fruit and vegtable diet. I need to be deligent with my exercise and changing the way I eat. I ate to much a couple of days, but I am not going to say to myself, it's over. I am more determined than ever and I know we can get rid of our excess!
  • Cheer up! at least you are not giving up and you're back for another go!! what is your biggest obstacle, working out, food or what? I found bumping up the flavor on my meals with lots of fresh ingredients helps with my meals and fun music always makes working out seem less like work.

    Let me know what you need help with and maybe we can brain storm a way to keep you on track :)

  • steffanyjames
    steffanyjames Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome back! This is my first time using fitnesspal. I know what you mean about feeling frustrated about the 20lbs. You can do this!!! From your post you sound focused and that will take you far my friend!

    We are all in this together and we can ALL do it. I look forward to seeing your progress! Let me know if you want to talk about recipes.. I love to cook and have found some great low-cal but fullfilling foods.

  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    I am back again as well. Feel free to add me to your friend list. We can get through this thing together!
  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    It can be a struggle for sure.....but the best thing to do is share what you actually struggle with....with so many people here, with similar aspirations and experiences, you are bound to get some good responses.
  • ww1981
    ww1981 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I also am 'back again' and I am doing much better now that I found the community part of MFP. Good luck on your journey and i hope we can motivate each other!