Exercise is so boring.



  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    if you find walking/cardio boring maybe skip em altogether? ive lost almost 10 pounds (all i need to lose) and lots of inches in the waist/legs from intense workout videos which run about 25 mins total.. i find them too challenging to be bored and since they're so short on the rare occasion when i REALLY dont feel like it i just tell myself i wont have to suffer for long.. 25 mins and im home free for the day lol! ive had way better results doing this then the old "tried and not-so-true" 45 mins cardio/5 days a week.. and it saves me the gym membership and extra time out of my day.. just add a wicked playlist and you're set!
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I find it boring, too. Taking classes has been awesome for me because I actually look forward to them and it doesn't feel like excersize (I do Zumba as well as Nia dance). I loathe the gym but I make myself go. I'm about to buy myself the 30-Day Shred in hopes it will hold my interest for at least 30 days!:smile:
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I find myself more motivated to exercise when I'm "working on something." Someone else mentioned improving their running, that's the kind of stuff I work on. Great job on the walking! If you want to make it interesting, start keeping track of your workouts. Figure out the distance & make note of that as well as the duration. Next time, see if you can beat your average pace or walk a longer distance. Find ways to challenge yourself.

    In my experience it's very effective to set ambitious goals for things I can't physically do right now so I have to train on a schedule to get there. Running's a good example, when I started I had only been walking for cardio & weighed over 300 lbs. I decided to see if I could ever run a 5k, so I modified the Couch to 5k program to stretch it out over a longer period to gradually build my endurance every week. No, I couldn't go from running 30 seconds at a time to running 30 minutes straight overnight, but I could definitely go from running 30 sec one week to 60 sec the next.

    Challenge yourself & don't let yourself off the hook whining about it being boring. Require more of yourself & you'll reach your goals. All of the success stories on this site are living proof.
  • KitKB
    KitKB Posts: 45 Member
    I love xbox kinect- Just Dance 3, Dance Central are my two favorites and my girls can play along.

    Yeah, if you have a Wii or Xbox Kinect, you should totally check out the "Just Dance" games. I went to Zumba for the first time and it was fun and I sweated and had a good work out. Then I borrowed Just Dance from my niece. That game had me panting and sore and I think I got a better work out than I did with Zumba! I used the zumba calculator (because I figured they were pretty similar) and saw that I had burned 800 calories for the 80 minutes I did.

    Needless to say, I may have to buy the game (because my niece will want it back eventually!) Super fun.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I find myself more motivated to exercise when I'm "working on something." Someone else mentioned improving their running, that's the kind of stuff I work on. Great job on the walking! If you want to make it interesting, start keeping track of your workouts. Figure out the distance & make note of that as well as the duration. Next time, see if you can beat your average pace or walk a longer distance. Find ways to challenge yourself.

    In my experience it's very effective to set ambitious goals for things I can't physically do right now so I have to train on a schedule to get there. Running's a good example, when I started I had only been walking for cardio & weighed over 300 lbs. I decided to see if I could ever run a 5k, so I modified the Couch to 5k program to stretch it out over a longer period to gradually build my endurance every week. No, I couldn't go from running 30 seconds at a time to running 30 minutes straight overnight, but I could definitely go from running 30 sec one week to 60 sec the next.

    Challenge yourself & don't let yourself off the hook whining about it being boring. Require more of yourself & you'll reach your goals. All of the success stories on this site are living proof.

    I agree with this. Try taking up a program like Couch 2 5K (a running program) or do a challenge like working up to 100 push ups a day (obviously this will vary on your current fitness level). What I meant in my earlier post is essentially that things that are easy on you will be boring, you can get a great workout in a small amount of time if you really push yourself. You will also enjoy it more, and feel much better at the end having 'achieved' something more :)
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    I just recently found out that they have seasons 1-12 of the biggest loser on netflix!! So when I am on the the treadmill at the gym I stick that on and that FOR SURE keeps me motivated!
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    Zumba workout videos!! I love them and have a good collection of them. Also Jullian Michaels is a big motivater in her workout videos. Find what keeps you moving and gets you excited to work out. I would rather dance for an hour than to do an elliptical any day!!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    If you're working out on a treadmill, it's the venue that's the problem, not the activity...friggin' dreadmills! Get outside. And give audiobooks a try. I lived for my 4 hour runs while training for marathons. That was my time to "read."
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    I too find exercise boring. I tried to do 30 day shred but I couldn't make it to day 16 because I was bored. Today I started Turbo Jam and it was so much fun! The moves were really challenging so I didn't have time to get bored! Also it had an extremely high calorie per hour burn...its under kickboxing.
  • crnorr1s
    I watch a loose weight show like biggest looser on the treadmill, I can get lost in the drama and forget that i'm working out with them. The wii just dances are fun too. I'm so busy trying to beat the kids i forget that its work
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    put on some loud music and dance around!
  • BellydanceBliss
    bellydance!!!! message me if you want for the best videos
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Most exercise is less boring if you do it with someone else. I do amazing classes in our local community hall, and have met some really lovely people there. The atmosphere is great, nothing like a gym at all, and the music is so loud and upbeat, it makes an hour rush by.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I do Zumba on my Wii. :D All the tata and booty shaking has me giggling the whole way through. So the full hour long class goes by super fast! Love it!

    I also found workout inspiration from Girls Gone Strong, so I started doing kettlebell and bodyweight workouts that I found on Myomytv.com.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Try going to loads of different exercise classes to find what you like. if you dont like it, you wont stick with it, you need to find something you love. Mine is horse riding, yoga and running.
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Not sure what exercise you've been doing but I recently took up kickboxing for the first time and I absolutely love it! The hour flies by - it's a fabulous workout without feeling like one! I've also found the fitter I get, the less boring any exercise becomes - it starts to become a challenge! :). Exercise is so important to health and weight loss - keep trying different things until you find 'your thing'. Its out there!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I like watching a movie/tv while doing it on iPod. Once you're start the endorphins going it becomes easier but you have to break through that wall. Good luck.

    Wouldn't advise watching something unless its a workout DVD...focus on the task at hand, you'll get it done quicker and better. Music however...fantastic.

    Workout alone by going for a run, fast power walking, doing a workout DVD and properly or go to the gym. Classes however are great because they won't let you cop out as much and there will be a bit of peer pressure to perform which is GOOD for you because you'll get better results and workout harder, safely under the supervision of a professional. Plus you'll make friends who are in similar situations.
  • Arachnapheria
    Arachnapheria Posts: 55 Member
    Like a few other people have said, I love my Wii for the bulk of my exercise especially the free-step where you can watch tv or a movie while you step so you don't really feel like your exercising (until you stop and your legs turn to jelly lol)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I want to exercise and get more fit but i find exercising extremely boring. I prefer exercising alone but i need some ideas on how to make exercising more fun. If anyone has any tips on how to make it more fun i'd really appreciate it.
    Exercise should be fun; find what you enjoy. I think exercise became torture when we grew up and stopped playing.
    I just don't do certain exercises that are hell.
    Indoor cardio like the treadmill - "dreadmil" or stationary bike, elliptical....
    I'd rather be tied and beaten in the town square.

    No, for me it's either fun, or count me OUT!

    I do a lot of weird things for cardio like military march, boxing type training,
    dancing, floor rolls, squat thrust intervals and the good ole jumping jack while watching MMA.
    And I jog, swim, play tennis, fast walk and bike.

    Lost 70lbs and nearly 20% body fat - it works for me.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Just figure out what you like, as others have said. If you like outdoors-try hiking, If you like dancing try zumba or some other classes, sometimes I just do 3 different machines one right after the other and burn what I can in 10 min on each. Try weight training, kickboxing, aerobics, swith up routines and keep your body guessing.

    Track your progress, try and beat your times, set goals for yourself.

    There are a lot of ways to make it fun, but you have to want it first.