new member who likes to eat!

Hey everyone, I joined about a month ago and I lost about 7 pounds so far. My starting weight was 192 and I am hoping to get down to around 170-175.

I am very strict with my diet until I am home from work and finally done for the night - then I find myself binging a bit. My calorie intake for the day is set at 1,780 and because I want to maintain/add lean muscle I bumped up my daily protein intake to 175 grams per day. A question I have, since I find myself eating to much at night do you think that 1,780 total calories per day isn't enough?

Also, I train about 5 day per week and do intense cardio on each gym visit - but I don't log my workouts into the app, does that matter?

I could also use some extra motivation so feel free to add me as a friend.



  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    When you put your workouts into your diary, it takes calories off your food, "giving" you more calories leftover for the day. Sometimes I think I shouldn't think about it that way because then I'll eat more since now I have more calories available to take up, hahaha.
  • kd09nyc
    kd09nyc Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, that's exactly why I don't log my workouts - this way I am burning my daily allotment of calories and I don't see that I can actually eat more than I am (if I log my workouts)...
  • I may be mistaken, but I believe the way the tool works is that when you put in your desired weight loss and exercise amount per day/week - it takes that into consideration when creating the suggested calories per day. Though, I could be wrong. I need to adjust my planned weekly workouts and see if it affects the daily calories. Maybe the tool is not quite that advanced. /shrug
  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    I had to customize my calories in MFP, I didn't like the way it calculates exercise.

    So what I did is add my average calorie burn from my weekly exercise into my overall caloric goal. You may not be eating enough with all the exercise you are is important to fuel your body, against everything we are taught you have to eat to lose's all bout the metabolism...