Ideas for a sweet tooth?

cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
I have a sweet tooth but everything I like is sooo high in calories, so wondered what you guys do to curb your sugar cravings? I kinda liked someone's idea on here of a peanut butter smoothie hehe.. but I am sure there must be lots of you that have or have had the same problem and have probably got good solution :D



  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    sugar free pudding 60 calories topped with fat free reddi whip 10 calories lol :love:
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I have a hard time with sweets too. After seeing a bunch of suggestions about this, I ended up getting some Weight Watchers Chocolate Raspberry ice cream bars. They're soooo good and only 80 calories each. They usually help with my chocolate cravings. There are tons of other flavors in that brand and also Skinny Cow and they aren't so bad calorie-wise. Good luck!
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Great plan! :D

  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i could eat sugar like a crack addict smokes crack ... i had to work hard at getting rid of sugar out of my system.. i do get my moments but they are really rare now thankfully. this past month i have been using raw honey on some things to sweeten up some nonfat plain greek yogurt and or in coffee . raw honey is really good for you --according to everyone i talk to and what ive read. all i know from experience is that when i eat healthy long term then i dont crave the sweets like i used to
  • mcarden86
    mcarden86 Posts: 56 Member
    Dried dates are really yummy.
  • NicoleLIri
    NicoleLIri Posts: 11 Member
    If I have the extra calories to spare I'll have a sweet treat, but I keep a box of werthers sugar free hard candies next to my bed just in case my late night sweet tooth kicks in. They're only 8 calories each :)
  • Cgalit
    Cgalit Posts: 13
    Home Made Ice Cream Sandwiches

    Low Fat Honey Graham Cracker
    Cool Whip.

    crack cracker on lines- add cool whip to one side. top with other half. freeze...tastes just like and ice cream sandwich.
    Tastes sinful, but pretty good for you:)
  • 40 calorie low-fat hot chocolate, and oatcakes with honey. :)
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    Sugar free pudding fudgscicles and creamsicles! Delicious!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Cocoa - roasted almonds. Nutella on my morning toast or English Muffin. (Makes it taste just like a donut!)
  • When you have the calories available, sherbet is a great alternative!
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    3-2-1 cake. Take the dry ingredients from a box of angel food cake. Take the dry ingredients from any other cake mix you like. Mix them together and store in a ziploc-type bag. When ready for a "piece" of cake, here comes the 3-2-1 part:

    Take 3 TBSP of cake mix
    Take 2 TBSP of water
    Mix them in a coffee cup
    Put them in the microwave for 1 minute

    You have a delicious piece of cake, very satisfying for my sweet tooth, and no leftover cake. You can also top as "needed."

    42 calories.

  • the weight watchers frozen stuff is pretty good :) and normally around 60-80 calories
  • BetsyOrtloff
    BetsyOrtloff Posts: 5 Member
    I drink my "Sweet Creme" shakes twice a day.... they are known as the "shake mix that tastes like a cake mix" so I never crave sweets! There are over 300 recipes to make the shakes taste great~ but I like the plain ones~ fast easy and delicious!!! Plus, I am losing weight!!

  • homemade icecream sandwhich - I will have to try this....i love cool is now a staple for me for a "go to" sweet.
  • Bump! Great idea
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    Flavored cream cheese on a half of a whole wheat bagel. Skinney Cow ice cream sandwiches are low in calories too. I always eat yogurt when I am craving sweets. Good luck I hope these ideas help.
  • 0RESET0
    0RESET0 Posts: 128
    I stay away from sugar free stuff. The stuff they use to replace the sugar is usually worse for you than the calories. My treat is Blue bunny Fudge sickles. I think they are 90 calories and taste great. just don't eat the whole box.

    Saturday, I was feeling like I needed a break. I checked my calories for the week and decided that I wanted cookies for dinner. I had an entire box of cookies and a large glass of chocolate milk. About 1800 calories but it was worth it. No more cravings.
  • I love all these ideas, please continue to share. TY
  • Greek Yogurt or Ricotta Cheese
    + Stevia/Splenda/Truvia/etc
    + Cinnamon (feel free to add more spices, like nutmeg, clove, etc)
    + Optional - Raspberries

    Murders the sweet tooth without trashing a diet.