plateau of doom :-/

I have hit the dreaded plateau. I may need motivation through this bit... I hate the fact that I'm eating right and being more active. But not seeing results. How long does it last? Will my body adjust itself then continue to get the weight off?


  • Heeeelllppppp.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Mine lasted for about 2 months until I started eating more. Can't see your diary so...
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    How long have you been on a plateau? It may be time to change up your routine. Some people find that eating a little more or cycling between days of lower and higher calories can help break a plateau. You also may need to change up your exercise routine, since your body may have become accustomed to it. Remember that weight loss is not linear. I will sometimes not see a loss for a couple of weeks and then lose a bunch in one week. Don't get discouraged!
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Do not get discouraged! It happens to everyone! Change up the diet and exercise plan. I have even heard that eating a meal of bad food can snap your body out of it! You can get through it!
  • Cheers guys.. the excersie is going to be changed I think. Do some harder work outs.
  • rodnas
    rodnas Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Pete

    This is the second time I have re-started my diet but on the last attempt I lost 35lb.

    Based on my last diet it kind of worked out that for every 8lb I lost, the plateau kicked in for around 8 days.
    After every 8 days the weight loss kicked in for another 8lb.

    Armed with that knowledge, the plateau does not phase me. I just carry on regardless secure in the knowledge
    that it's only temporary.

    I find that weighing yourself to often makes you more sensitive to the fickle business of weight changes.

    Accept the plateau as part of your weight loss format and don't question it. Top athletes have to rest in between races!

    Every persons body and metabolism are different so loss & rest (plateu) periods will vary.
  • So is it good to have a day of sin. And eat what you like.
  • Hi Pete
    thanks. This is what I'm expecting and I do go to the scales to much.
    This is the second time I have re-started my diet but on the last attempt I lost 35lb.

    Based on my last diet it kind of worked out that for every 8lb I lost, the plateau kicked in for around 8 days.
    After every 8 days the weight loss kicked in for another 8lb.

    Armed with that knowledge, the plateau does not phase me. I just carry on regardless secure in the knowledge
    that it's only temporary.

    I find that weighing yourself to often makes you more sensitive to the fickle business of weight changes.

    Accept the plateau as part of your weight loss format and don't question it. Top athletes have to rest in between races!

    Every persons body and metabolism are different so lost & rest (plateu) periods will vary.
  • I do checked the scales to much I must admit.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Just remember we did not put this weight on overnight(even though it felt like it) and we will not lose it overnight, keep up the good work and results will follow.
  • Cheers railroader
  • So is it good to have a day of sin. And eat what you like.

    You should be eating what you like all the time.,...I don't get it!?? in moderation nothing is off limits..A plateau is a way of your body telling you the changes you've made were sucessfull and now your body has adapted, therefore you change..simple things, the kind of cardio, the weights/sets you lift
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    plateaus are a pain in the dupa .. mine get longer and longer as i lose more weight so im used to them..i found that changing what i eat and when i eat it as well as changing the type of workouts i do work for me ..even that is such a chore but if you dont make changes your body gets used to what you are doing and you get the well dreaded and hated plateau