that damn beer on the weekend



  • Where do you live? I'm in Canada , and they have molson 67 here ... Its a 67 calorie beer. I don't feel as bad when I have one.
    There are a lot of options for low cal beers. Try not to get too down on yourself - feeling bad isnt going to fix the problem , just make you less motivated.
    Coors light and Bud lIght run at about 110 calories a piece.

    Next time you need a beer and a burger night , order a low cal beer and get them to cut your burger in half. and have a garden salad with it , instead of fries... If they have a turker burger , or a grilled chicken burger , even better.

    I've been meaning to try the molson 67... is it actually that good?

    It is pretty good !
  • Neighbor's birthday weekend plus 12 or 13 beers, 4 slices of pizza, and Boston Butt Roast throughout the day turned my 12 lbs. loss into 8 or 9. The beer usually doesn't get me, it's the horrible decisions I make when I get a few of them in me, like ordering pizza. Oh well, today is another day. Did my P90X this morning and I am going to the gym tonight. I'll get there eventually.
  • tarafic72
    tarafic72 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree it's not "the beer" its a compilation of things. I went out Friday night, drank Vodka and Cristal Light, ate five chicken wings, a piece of pizza and a few chips and salsa but still lost almost two pounds that night.

    You must choose a low calorie option (no lager or dark alcohols), you have to drink so that you don't get dehydrated. and if you do this occassionally, not every weekend, then you should be fine.

    If you totally shut your body off from the stuff it enjoys you will find it hard to stick to your regime. Just be aware of what you are doing and you will make smart choices and you know what, if you gain a pound one day don't sweat it, hit the treadmill a little extra for the next few days. You are doing a great job, keep it up!!!
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    my brother bought a fishbowl mai tai for me and him to share on friday ! thats a lot haha
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Don't blame it on the beer. It's bloating. You'll be fine.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I guess I just have to vent a little. I have really been struggling since september and have gained all the weight I lost last year back. I finally joined a gym and last week was the first week that I put some effort in and I saw some progress. I had stayed within my calories on most days and had shed about 2lbs.....

    Then saturday night hit and my husband wanted to go out for a burger and a beer.....a beer turned into a night of drinking and then I was up 5lbs this morning.

    It took everything I had to get myself to the gym this morning ... my self defeating talk like "whats the point" blah blah blah.....

    But I made it to they gym and am not giving up not this time. anyway thanks for reading.....


    I dont think you can hold the beer accountable for your actions. I had about 2-3 beers on Sat and still dropped. I am learning to build my diet around what I want to eat/drink.

    Just work on will power and your smarts and you will figure out how to lose and how to drink and eat at the same time. Trust me as I have lost big eating so blah but i am giving it a different go around this time. I also have seen many others build their diets around their interests.

    Just my experiences and 2 cents.
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    haha! I know what you mean also! My new goal....

    I'm going to start getting drunk on water! haha.
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    I guess I just have to vent a little. I have really been struggling since september and have gained all the weight I lost last year back. I finally joined a gym and last week was the first week that I put some effort in and I saw some progress. I had stayed within my calories on most days and had shed about 2lbs.....

    Then saturday night hit and my husband wanted to go out for a burger and a beer.....a beer turned into a night of drinking and then I was up 5lbs this morning.

    It took everything I had to get myself to the gym this morning ... my self defeating talk like "whats the point" blah blah blah.....

    But I made it to they gym and am not giving up not this time. anyway thanks for reading.....


    The point of going to the gym is so you can go out for a beer and burger :bigsmile: Don't give up! You didn't gain 5lbs... work out extra hard and drinks lots of water this week to flush it out.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Friday i weighed in at 267.. i drank Saturday night and went to Denny's after.. now for two days I've weighed in at 271.6
    its ridiculously frustrating, because i had a ton of calories left on Friday, and definitely was under yesterday.. so now I'm pushing water water water and trying to get it back down. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, but it isn't. Stick to it, and those few pounds will come back off, I promise.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    You gained 5lbs of muscle over night........ Not really it's mostly water weight it'll be gone in a few days just stay on your diet and you'll be fine. oh and don't drink so much beer.
  • alicialiken
    alicialiken Posts: 39 Member
    I look at it this way: would you rather avoid friends/drinking/be skinny or have fun/drink/let loose once a week?? In college I would go out 3 or 4 times a week drinking. I've cut that down to 1 time a week but seriously, I need that night to unwind.

    Do you think celebrities/models/pageant queens are able to go out partying, do kegs stands, or get completely silly with their girlfriends? Heck no! Yeah, I may never look like they do...but my quality of life is still insanely awesome. =] Do NOT feel bad for wanting to have some FUN!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i love damm beer!!

  • I hear ya..... me and my bf are homebrewers, so even when I tell him that when I'm trying to stop drinking beer he seems to think that 'sampling' the homebrew doesnt count!!! a sip here, a sip there, equals a glass. know what I mean?!
    I've been really trying for the month of jan to cut out the booze, its just not worth the 5 lb gain the next morning. It makes me feel like all my hard work was a waste
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    its water weight..i have same problem every weekend with my husband...then after a day back in the gym its gone... just stick with it.. beer and alcohol in general become my weakness every weekend.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    You didn't gain 5 pounds in one night, that's physically impossible to do. Just get back on the horse and keep riding. We all have bad nights. Hell, sometimes we even have bad months. So long as you have more good ones than bad ones, you'll eventually hit your goal.

    ^^^^^This! He hit the nail on the head!

    It's probably just fluid retention. Try drinking lots of water. You'll flush it out.
  • jay11284
    jay11284 Posts: 42 Member
    Part of the reason I began to put on weight was my love for craft beer. It was becoming way to easy to have 5 or 6 beers every Saturday night and I knew that it had to stop. I now have more control over my eating and drinking habits because I track my calories even on weekends.

    The awesome thing about MFP is that they have even the strange craft beers that I enjoy. Knowing that a Pale Ale has 163 calories is great because I can easily track it as I drink. This weekend I only had 3 beers total (2 on Sat. and one on Sun.) and it feels really good.

    I also think it's important to not deprive yourself. If you enjoy having a beer, have one but keep in control. I also have a beer every now and then during the work week, I just make sure I have enough calories left over for it at the end of the day.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I hear ya..... me and my bf are homebrewers, so even when I tell him that when I'm trying to stop drinking beer he seems to think that 'sampling' the homebrew doesnt count!!! a sip here, a sip there, equals a glass. know what I mean?!
    I've been really trying for the month of jan to cut out the booze, its just not worth the 5 lb gain the next morning. It makes me feel like all my hard work was a waste

    If you log 120 calories for the samples (an average calorie count for a pint of beer), then there is no reason why you can't taste the homebrew. It's a tragedy not to, really. ... and you're not gaining five pounds .. it's water weight. You didn't waste any hard work if you log the calories and make room for them in your daily calorie needs.

    Seriously, everyone, I lose a pound a week (when I'm logging consistently), every week, even when I'm drinking beer daily. It can be done.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Every time I have lost weight I have cut out the I know that it works....but sometimes I like getting stupid.....oh well guess I will have to decide what I like better. beer or getting fit......cant I have some balance? argh

    I allow for 2-4 beers a night, because I like it...

    It's included in my calories for the day

    I have lost 12 lbs since Dec 11, '11

    I have balance! :drinker:
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I drink beer. Hell....I love beer. Somehow, some way I will find a way to work it into my life. Dont feel like you are some people they just want to be able to have a few and enjoy themselves, not saying you HAVE to have beer to enjoy yourself. (I sure enjoy myself! LOL) All things in moderation. :flowerforyou:
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Don't blame it on the beer. It's bloating. You'll be fine.

    Seriously, let's not drag beer's good name through the mud here. I have never given it up, and I've lost 40lbs+. Give it a few days and your weight will be back down.