Treadmill accident= couch bound

I tripped off the treadmill on Saturday and fractured my right ankle. I cannot bear weight on it and I have to use crutches which I am terrible at by the way! I need some words of wisdom , support, advice on what I need to do the next several weeks since my exercise has been taken away. Do I eat less calories? I have cut the calories and also trying to not eat as many carbs. I was so excited about starting my weight loss journey and now this! I am so upset!


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I broke a few bones in my foot and sprained my ankle pretty badly a few years back. I made sure my foot and ankle were secure and suppported and used my stationary bike. Not sure if you have one of those or not but it might help a bit to get a tad of exercise in.

    I did listen to my body though... if I felt pain I stopped.
  • jpsangel
    I work in a nursing home, and every morning we have thirty minutes of exercise, all of which is done from the residents' wheelchairs. There's a lot of upper-body cardio you can do (punching, etc), as well. You might want to Google "wheelchair exercises"...there's got to be something on YouTube. And I agree with the previous poster...if it causes you pain, listen to your body and cut back or stop! Good luck!!!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I would change your lifestyle to the lowest active level. You could get you some hand weights and to all kinds of upper body exercises.