How do you guys handle weekends???

I am having a real issue with tracking and managing my weekends. I am FT working mom of 2 kids uner 5 and do very well on weekdays. I track my diet and workout atleast 4 days out of the 5 (with 1 of them being flow yoga and the rest HIIT for 60 mins). I feel great on the weekdays but as the weekend comes, I end up losing interest in tracking calories and end up eating out and not watching my diet. I still don't go crazy and indulge but I definitely eat atleast 400-500 calories more on Saturday anf Sundays.

I am trying to figure out how to get motivated to track over the weekends and how to avoid the eating out/binge pitfalls. I don't really have time to workout over the weekends but am very active (walking while shopping/window shopping, running around my kids etc)

Just need some help in figuring out how to get through the dreaded weekends and NOT binge. Anybody facing same issues as me?


  • rogersla81
    rogersla81 Posts: 1 Member
    I need some good advice on this too! I have the same problem. It is so much easier to eat good during the week but I blow it evertime during the weekend.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Me too. This past weekend I had chips, pizza, ice cream and a bottle of rum. I weighed 147 on Saturday morning and this morning 153 !
  • pencat80
    Stay focused. I have trouble tracking my info on the weekend, but catch up on monday am. It really makes me accountable. If you eat out, make healthier choices. Most restaurants have a few items geared towards the dieters.
  • olmstea
    OMG - I could have written this post! I do exactly the same thing...great all week then blow it on the weekends. You're all ready strides ahead of me if you're not completely splurging - we have pizza and all kinds of 'bad' things. It's like my will power only works M-F, 9-5 too!

    I hope some folks can provide ideas. Thank you for asking this question!! :flowerforyou:
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    I struggle w/ the weekend as well, I don't usually go too much over but I've started looking at this in a different light.

    There is a weekly function to see how your managed your calories over a weeks time, maybe shoot for managing a weeks calories and not so focused on a day. Maybe cut 75-100 calories each day during the week, so you have those extras to eat/drink on the weekend. So for the whole week I have 8400 calories, which in my case is 1200 calories a day.

    Make your weigh in day Friday, so you have all week to work around those calories you ate over the weekend.

    Just a thought...
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    OMG - I could have written this post! I do exactly the same thing...great all week then blow it on the weekends. You're all ready strides ahead of me if you're not completely splurging - we have pizza and all kinds of 'bad' things. It's like my will power only works M-F, 9-5 too!

    I hope some folks can provide ideas. Thank you for asking this question!! :flowerforyou:

    ^^^^^^^Exactly what I would have said!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    It's tough, but it's all about keeping your routine.

    I work M-F so of course, like many people, it's much easier for me during the week.

    Weekends can be hard because it's easy to sit back and do nothing in terms of exercise. Because the laundry has to get done, the house needs to be cleaned, etc. So it's easy to break my routine of my workout DVD and my long walk. So I try and get it done first thing in the morning. Done and over with so there's no reason to come up with an excuse later in the day.

    I eat breakfast like usual or sometimes will skip breakfast and eat an early lunch. It'll hold me over enough to have a snack and then dinner.

    It takes EVERYTHING I have to not nibble on snacks I give to my son. Yes he likes his fruits and veggies. But he likes his snacks too.

    On weekends, I try and make big batches of things (soup, chili, etc) so I can freeze them and have my meals for later in the week. Or better yet, for the weekend when I tend to fall off the wagon.

    It's tough when you have kids. But I use my son as my excuse all the time. My New Year Resolution was "No more excuses".

    If I sneak off my menu even a little bit, it hits me hard when I weigh in on Monday. I figure I work way too hard 5 days a week to screw it up in 2 days.


    It takes willpower to just say no. My husband ordered pizza this weekend. Hard as HELL but I said no. I ate my salad and veggies with chicken sausage instead. Yesterday, he got himself a sub. It took everything I had to not tell him to bring me something home or to not eat his other half of the sub. But I was so proud of myself! Here I am come Monday and I didn't put all the weight back on.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Weekends are definitely harder, hello, it's the weekend!
    My only suggestion would be to plan ahead. That is our only saving grace! My husband and I are really trying not to spend a lot of frivolous money this year, which includes impromptu dinners out and about. So, when I plan our meals for the week, I also include weekend meals.
    We usually each kick our weekend off with a big workout, a longer run or bike ride, or a couple of hours at the gym (separate). It gives us more calories to play around with and we feel better. I also moved my weigh-in day to Monday, so that's a little more weekend motivation for me!
  • MJBez
    MJBez Posts: 43 Member
    Hey, this is my first time making a post (or replying to a post) but I thought this one was one I could speak to! I admit I was always the worst for binging on the weekends! Big meals, eating out, junk food etc! However, a while ago I was reading a post on having a "Spike Day" once a week. This is a day that you do not log your food. I think it is important to point out that you do not want this to be a complete sabotage day... but I do eat a meal I typically wouldn't (or couldn't) when I log food. Ex. hot wings and mizza sticks!!! Yumm... But I plan this once a week and always a weekend day. I feel motivated to do well all week and plan one weekend day to eat well and the other day I will eat something I have been wanting and couldn't have! Its great motivation and apparently having a spike day can help cravings and trick your metabolism so you don't plateau as quickly. I love my spike days and am still losing weight at the rate that I have planned!
  • mcubed85
    I'm in the same boat. One thing that I've found helpful is to pack a bunch of healthy snacks into my purse. That way when I'm running around I have some apple slices, almonds, bananas, etc. close at hand and I'm not tempted to grab a quick sandwich or burger that ruins my calorie plan for the day.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Ugh! I totally blew off this past weekend and the scale soooo showed it this morning! Being Prepared is probably the number 1 most important thing to me for staying on track on the weekends and also pre-planning my meals.
  • jaavasalmi
    I find that I remind myself constantly why I'm doing this, and that it's a long slow process. When I want a "treat" I have it, I just don't have "everything" I feel like eating on the weekend. A few things here and there. And I still try and not eat after about 8pm.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    see, i find weekends easier. but i work Saturdays, so it's only Sundays where i have to watch, and i make sure to get in a KILLER workout.

    you have kids, take them out and play with them. run in the playground with them, act like a fool. you'll burn and your kids will feel more connected to you. don't schedule every moment unless you know it's an activity YOU will take part in. the kids are little, take them to the park, put them in a stroller and GO. stop and stretch where they are right next to you, and take the time to point out the ducks or a cool rock, or just talk to them. it will help the relationship and the waistline.
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    I struggle w/ the weekend as well, I don't usually go too much over but I've started looking at this in a different light.

    There is a weekly function to see how your managed your calories over a weeks time, maybe shoot for managing a weeks calories and not so focused on a day. Maybe cut 75-100 calories each day during the week, so you have those extras to eat/drink on the weekend. So for the whole week I have 8400 calories, which in my case is 1200 calories a day.

    Make your weigh in day Friday, so you have all week to work around those calories you ate over the weekend.

    Just a thought...

    Love the suggestion. I do tend to eat under my calories sometimes over the weekday but mostly consume them all. I think if I am able to get some kind of a workout in over the weekend and 'enjoy' the food part by managing the calorie intake over the weekdays I should be able to handle it a little bit better.

    I also think that for me, a lot of it has to do with mental pressure of not liking the way I look (it stands true for all us trying to lose weight) and then caving in on the weekends when I am at my weakest :(
  • mjok31
    mjok31 Posts: 84
    I also tend to want more unhealthy choices on the weekends...So I allow myself to have one meal that I want. Ushally its take out or something really "good" that I get. I make sure that I plan for it so I would have a light breakfast and lunch to make sure I am not over by crazy calories! It seems to be working for me. I have been able to still lose weight and don't feel like I am giving everything up. I think it takes alot of will power to get that "good" meal and get right back on track but it can be done! Good luck :)
  • chicklidell
    Ididn't have time to read all the other posts..I may be repeating ideas here...this is the perfect opportunity to zigzag your still lose weight, yet you've allowed yourself extra calories on the days where you will likely be less inclined to track need to be die hard regimented..that's just crazy...I eat whatever I want on the weekdays reflect the change.
    Ex: my goal is 1600 calories....on Mon I have 1300, tuesday 1600, wedenesday 1500, thursday 1400, friday 1500, saturday 1900 and sunday 1900 or I could have saturday at 2200 and sunday at 1600 and at the end of the week..add in my exercise and i'm still going to lose a pound...your body doesn't work on a 24hr clock.
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    Hey, this is my first time making a post (or replying to a post) but I thought this one was one I could speak to! I admit I was always the worst for binging on the weekends! Big meals, eating out, junk food etc! However, a while ago I was reading a post on having a "Spike Day" once a week. This is a day that you do not log your food. I think it is important to point out that you do not want this to be a complete sabotage day... but I do eat a meal I typically wouldn't (or couldn't) when I log food. Ex. hot wings and mizza sticks!!! Yumm... But I plan this once a week and always a weekend day. I feel motivated to do well all week and plan one weekend day to eat well and the other day I will eat something I have been wanting and couldn't have! Its great motivation and apparently having a spike day can help cravings and trick your metabolism so you don't plateau as quickly. I love my spike days and am still losing weight at the rate that I have planned!

    I TOTALLY agree with this. I have lost a decent amount of weight before and kept it for 4 years. I have definitely done this before and I know that it works. Spike days are good to have and totally trick your body to avoid plateaus. I just don't want to have 2 of them :)

    I will give this a try. The problem (or not really a problem) is that I have about 10-12 lbs to lose and mostly need to shape up my post baby body. By doing the spike method, I lose weight very slowly. I guess that should be ok but seeing 1 lb drops on the scale after a week is not very motivating.
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    There needs to be a "like" button on these threads. Thanks a lot for your suggestions everybody. You guys have the best ideas.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I make sure I do a loooong run early on weekend monings, that's usually enough to deal with the pizza. bbq and wine indulgences...Do it almost before you are fully awake, that gets it out of the way!:bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    On the surface it looks as if I handle them poorly. I often don't track or just log something that could be close because I eat out more and drink more on the weekends. But the fact is that this hasn't caused me to not lose or maintain the loss so I've stopped stressing about it. I don't give myself permission to go hog wild, but I often just don't log the weekends. I'm good throughout the week.