How do you guys handle weekends???



  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    is the not real well option available? I tried something different this past weekend. I put all my food in the fridge already prepackaged and set a time to eat each meal. It worked this weekend so i'm going to try it again.
  • blissy_girl
    blissy_girl Posts: 45 Member
    So far there are two things I do. The first is have a POA (Plan of Attack). I knew this weekend I was going to go to a birthday party then out to eat on Saturday, so I got up and did 45 mins of circuit training. You have no idea how good it felt to eat that red velvet birthday cupcake with cream cheese frosting and not feel guilty at all! Plan what you can and then don't sweat it to much if it doesn't go exactly the way you think it should. It might help you to actually plan out your meals for the weekend.

    The second thing I do is, not beat myself up. Yeah, I might go over a bit on the weekend but that is life. Tomorrow is a new day and I don't have to stress about what I ate the day before.
  • clare07866
    clare07866 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, this is my first time making a post (or replying to a post) but I thought this one was one I could speak to! I admit I was always the worst for binging on the weekends! Big meals, eating out, junk food etc! However, a while ago I was reading a post on having a "Spike Day" once a week. This is a day that you do not log your food. I think it is important to point out that you do not want this to be a complete sabotage day... but I do eat a meal I typically wouldn't (or couldn't) when I log food. Ex. hot wings and mizza sticks!!! Yumm... But I plan this once a week and always a weekend day. I feel motivated to do well all week and plan one weekend day to eat well and the other day I will eat something I have been wanting and couldn't have! Its great motivation and apparently having a spike day can help cravings and trick your metabolism so you don't plateau as quickly. I love my spike days and am still losing weight at the rate that I have planned!

    This is that same as what i do. i find a day off from calorie counting helps to kill any cravings i've developed during the week and think it does your metabolism good to have a day off too! :-)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about exercise on the weekends - especially since you do a great job of working out during the week and stay active all weekend. It sounds like it's the food-side that's giving you trouble.

    Maybe try a little meal-planning for the weekend? Just knowing what to make and knowing you have the stuff on hand can prevent that situation we all know is trouble... the one where you open the fridge, are uninspired, don't have the right ingredients for anything andn say... "screw it, let's order pizza."

    Also, a little indulgence now and then is good for the soul. So maybe don't sweat it too much if you're still finding yourself successful at losing.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    weekends are tough for me unless im working as a nurse ... im on call as a nurse with no specific schedule ..i always tell them ill be on call on the weekends and will even be willing to work doubles .. i just joined a new gym that has way more classes and other available activities so i make sure i go if im not working...point is to set yourself up to keep busy