I need some help!

OKAY so it's my 25th day birthday today on MFP. I've lost about 6 lbs but to me it seems like its not enough. It really frustrates me that my sisters and friends can exercise and eat ok and loose lots of weight but me on the other hand I workout hardcore, eat pretty healthy (I have some difficult days) and stopped drinking so much (I may have a glass of red wine during the week) my weight moves at a turtles pace! I have a total of 146lbs to loose I feel like its going to take forever. I need some help.... am I on the right track or is there something else I need to be doing?

You can view my diary at....
SW 303
CW 298
GW 150



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    your diary isn't open, so i'm just going to give you some basics without having that to go on.

    drink your water! i never believed before it could help... and then i started doing it. WOW. it's not just that you lose the water weight from salt, you also FEEL better.

    find options where you don't feel like you're on a diet. diet has become a bad word for a reason, look for things you can substitute for the treats you can't live without. me? i like dessert. if i have a sugar free chocolate pudding at the end of the day, then i feel like i'm still having dessert - b/c i am - but for 60 cals and no sugar.

    watch your salt, track it. salt is a sneaky devil and hides.

    if you haven't already gotten Eat This Not That, i hightly reccomend it. it's all about the lifestyle change rather than the quick loss.

    find a workout that's FUN. if you like what you're doing, you'll keep it up.

    and finally: RELAX. this isn't a race, this is you doing just what i'm doing, we're in this to save our lives, right? realize that it's not easy, but that it's worth it. and don't pay attention to the scale for a while, then when you pull it out, you'll be surprised at a big loss.

    and Happy Birthday!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    First: NEVER give up on a dream because of the amount of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
    Second... slow is NOT a bad thing. Losing at a slower pace will make it easier to keep off.
    That being said, are you drinking enough water? Eating back your exercise cals? Just don't give up... that won't get you anywhere but UP FAST. Hang in there. :happy:
  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    I have been a member for a little while but only really started my journey a few weeks ago. I lost 20 lbs in that little bit of time. I honestly think it is form all the water i was drinking. Eventually I would eat smaller amounts bc I was so full from the water. Just buy yourself a cute water bottle and keep it full. Take it where ever you go!
  • Im thinking its the water.... cause the week I lost 4lbs I had lots of it. Thanks for the help guys.
  • PJcc1205
    PJcc1205 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I hope what I say is encouraging, it takes time and you will sometime go up and then back down put I promise you if you stick with it--it will happen. Drink:wink: lots of water and if you hate the taste add crystal light. Don't get discouraged, and don't compare yourself to others. Each one of us is different with different bodies. You are a strong beautiful women, and you shall succeed. Remember people will expect you to fail--disappoint them and SUCCEED no matter how long it takes. You don't need a time line this is all about you.:wink:
  • PJcc1205
    PJcc1205 Posts: 11 Member
    OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:happy:
  • I understand water is good for you, but is it true about coffee, tea, and sweets make you more hungry? I too am new to MFP, just starting out. trying to not go for that one cookie. I work in a office all day, and have not started a work out as yet. I hope my change in eatting will help me on the road. My weight loss has been a pound a week. Having trouble with finding new things to bring to the office to eat as everyone else is eatting the sweets. Fruit gets old. Help!!!!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Your food choices look pretty healthy but:

    1) You're not eating your exercise calories back. Try to eat at least 50% of them back or you'll just slow your metabolism down faster.

    2) You need to drink more water and watch the sodium. (don't we all)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Forgot to mention, 6lbs in 25 days - that's 1.68lbs a week - a textbook perfect SUSTAINABLE amount of weight loss. Great job!

    I'd suggest you take your own journey and not be turned off by your friends progress. Slow and steady always wins the race. Keep doing this for a year and you'll be down 80lbs and your friends who are losing wildly fast will more than likely have fallen off the wagon and put it all back on again.