Eat to satisfy not to feel full

So I have this problem when I'm eating I'm always eat until im full and I'm not sure how to tell when I'm satisfied and when to stop. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to train myself?


  • beckyyoungers
    This is a really hard one for me, too. I want to keep eating until I feel full. But I have learned that I feel much more energetic when I just eat a light meal. Honestly the only way I have learned this is from tracking my food - I know when I've had the portion that I've allotted myself, and even though I would normally eat more, I stop. I'm slowly getting used to that light feeling after a meal and I actually like it. I imagine that eventually I will crave this feeling and not want to eat to fullness anymore.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I agree with the eating only a certain portion of something. That's the best strategy. Also, if at all possible, eat slowly and chew carefully. I was told that it can take up to 30 minutes for your stomach to even realize that it is satisfied / full, that's why we're even able to eat so much.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    One of the things Ive noticed about myself (and you might be doing this as well and not realize it).. have you ever felt yourself in the middle of eating a meal, you feel the need to "****sigh**** - a feeling of contentment...

    THAT is when I stop... Ill grab a glass of water at that point and push the plate away...

    Because in 20 minutes, the brain finally catches up and realizes "WOW, you got food in there!"...
  • shsml
    shsml Posts: 14
    Another here with this problem. Dinner is the one meal I like to feel full from as sometimes i GO running first thing in the am and can't eat before then (feel sick). But started this ap on my phone on mon and slowly my portions are getting smaller. dinner still an issue as cutting back on meat n carbs but eating way more veg!!!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I actually just pre-measure/weigh out all my food for the meal, put it on my plate and that is what I get. I tend to take my time and savor more when I can see that all this food is mine and when it's gone it's gone. If I think I'm still hungry, I go workout or drink water. But that nearly never happens. You will get used to not eating until you are full though. It just takes time.
  • jstreams
    Don't eat really fast. Eat slowly that way it will tell you when your stomach is full and then you can stop. It's really hard, I understand.
    okay im gonna tell you the same thing my parents told me... when you start feeling like your gettng full but youre still hungry, eat a little bt more then pull yourself away from the table. it will help alot, and if you find yourself having a hard time with that then try to eat little bits of meals a day, you will train your body to accept little bit of meals.
  • Abalicious11
    Thank you all :)
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    It's been said, but deserves repeating. Slow down.

    Another thing that I learned from the book, "French Women Don't Get Fat" (and when I went to France in March I did not see fat French women. Only fat American tourists. And I could tell the difference because the Americans were wearing bad clothes and athletic shoes and the French women were dressed in a chic manner and were wearing awesome heels!) is that the first bite of something is the best. That is when you really get the full impact of a well made meal, the flavors, spices, etc. And if you savor your food, really taste and enjoy it, you will eat slowly and more mindfully.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So I have this problem when I'm eating I'm always eat until im full and I'm not sure how to tell when I'm satisfied and when to stop. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to train myself?
    Yes, eat your pre-made portions in line with the MFP recommendations for food intake.

    Just do that and your eating habits will fall into place.
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I always look at the side of packaging to see what they suggest for a serving size - and that's what I measure out for myself. I don't worry too much about limiting/portioning veggie's and fruit (lets face it - people don't get fat from eating too many strawberries or cucumbers lol!)
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Water! After each bite, take a gulp of water, you'll feel full and only have eaten maybe 1/2 to 2/3 of what you normally eat! Check yourself after half your meal. Take a break. If your satisfied, stop. If you really want to keep eating, pour water over your meal. Nothing says I'm done eating like a soggy burger.
  • Abalicious11
    I guess i just feel Im at a stand still last week i lost 2 lbs and this week stayed the same so Im trying to figure out what Im doing wrong grrrr being over weight sucks!
  • Abalicious11
    Good Idea lol
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    So I have this problem when I'm eating I'm always eat until im full and I'm not sure how to tell when I'm satisfied and when to stop. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to train myself?

    When the stomach gets full it releases a hormone. When that hormone reaches the brain it will make you feel full.

    The problem is that the hormone takes around 20 minutes to get to your brain. So you could actually be full but you won't know it for 20 minutes. That's a lot of time to keep stuffing one's face!

    So the common technique to not outrun your feeling of satiety is to eat slower. The slower you eat the less you'll eat on top of what has already filled you up.
  • Abalicious11
    I guess it doesnt help that I was in the military and they drill it into your brains if you dont eat in 3 minutes you starve lol old habits die hard!
  • Kris10can
    Kris10can Posts: 103
    Words to live by- "Eat to live ..... not live to eat"
  • jasilva3
    I am in the same boat. I am currently AD military and couldnt agree with you more. One thing I notice about myself is when I am on a steady workout routine is I naturally get full/satisfied quicker with less. IDK if I subconsciously trick my self into feeling full, but maintaining a solid workout routine curbs my appetite a bit.
    Welcome:) one last thing... when you eat those little meals you have to eat them 4-8 times a day to equal up to 3 full meals but spread it out. it will help alot. and even though you will still feel hungry, wait about 5 minutes and your body will think it is full and you will loose the weight while doing so. i know what you're going through and its hard to do and when you have been in the military, its harder because you have been told three meals a day or starve. but all-in-all, good luckk:)