Hello! I am new to the community.

My name is Kristen and I am new to your community. I need all of the support I can get during my journey to lose between 30 and 40 pounds. I am also willing to give anyone else the support they need in order to reach their goals along with me!! I am looking for some true supporters that are willing to lend me a hand when I am feeling down and lost. I may occasionaly need a kicj in the butt if I tend to become bored and lazy. I am open to any suggestions that you have in order to help me lose the weight I need to lose in order to be a happier me!:smile:


  • Hey! I am new to the community too and would be happy to support you though this journey if you might be able to do the same. I hear it's easier with support even if it is only through a website community. Add me if that works for you. I am looking to lose about 45 pounds and am feeling pretty motivated at this moment but certainly have my moments of getting bored with sticking to one plan.

  • Hi Kris !!!!!!
    Welcome to the fat people community :D
    Please add me, I will love your company.. " wink "
  • ashtonalayna
    ashtonalayna Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Kristen, my names Gloria, I'm 25, mom of 2. I have found that I stick 2 my diet n exercise plan better if I hav friends that can see my food and exercise diary. :) I'd rather not b the only one not posting any weight loss! It really keeps me motivated. U can add me too if you would like more friends.
  • Hi I'm new .Heard about this website from my children who already belong.They are my friends. would love more. Its fun posting and having my children commenting on how I'm doing.I like being able to watch their progress also.Great Site!!!!!
  • hey kris , welcome to my fitness pal ! :)
  • rhinomikeh
    rhinomikeh Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome Kristen,

    You can do this. Just take it one step at a time. First of all be honest with yourself and get really good at inputing your food take. Getting conscious about what you eat can be very revealing. Once you discover what you are doing on a day to day basis you can then make the adjustments. I am more than happy to help. Just give me a shout.

    Be Well!
    Mike Howard
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member

    I will let you decide if you want me as a friend or not

    Hi, I'm Barbra (my friends call me Barbi) from Indianapolis, IN (The States)
    I've lost the same 80 lbs 3 times until now. This will be the last time because I've finally figured out and learned the key to weight loss and it's not depriving yourself or even going to bed hungry. YOU EAT!!

    I believe in eating most of your calories burnt by exercise to keep my weight loss steady and fuel your body for the exercise I am doing. (look up FAQ on Net calories OR my blog on Net calories) My net calories do not fall below 1200. Period.

    I believe you have to eat the calories MFP tells you too which is on your diary as "my goal"
    I believe your "net" should never go under 1200

    I will not tell you your doing a good job on your daily post when you've completing your food diary if your diary is closed or you're under your "net" calories.

    I WILL be a great support if you are eating right, exercising, and doing it RIGHT without going hungry.
  • Hey am completely new and friendless :/
    add me people! :)
  • Hello im Debi and im new also. I need all the friends i can get. Im also a horrible computer person so this is a big step for me. I had one of my coworkers help me sign up. keep in touch i could use the help.