I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I've been exercising and dieting religiously and haven't managed to loose any weight. HELP!!!! Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?


  • I do. Are your levels correct with meds?
  • Jillian Micheals has hypothyroidism - so losing weight & having a great bod is possible with the disease! My friend also has it and has had to go through a series of trial and error adjusting her meds to the correct level. If your levels are off, then your weight loss will suffer.

    Don't give up though!
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    The doctor has me on levothroxyn and I dont have my next check up for another two weeks. I wont know what my levels are till then. Im so frustrated?:ohwell:
  • LindseyD2528
    LindseyD2528 Posts: 6 Member
    I just got diagnosed with this in December! I was wondering why I could loose 3 pounds and then go up 4 pounds the next week even though I was meeting my calories! I'm on medication now and they are trying to find my right level of dose... but from jumping on meds to now (less than a month), I've lose 11 pounds!!! Just hang in there, it's not too bad and you'll finally start feeling great! :)
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Are you sticking to all the MFP goals? I have hypothyroidism and large nodules on my thyroid and have no problem losing when I exercise and eat right. It just takes time. Smaller weight loses are better for long term success.
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    Im not giving up. They changed my meds a few weeks ago, but it always takes time for it to kick in, atleast thats what I was told.

    Thanks to both for your reply. I didnt know Jillian Michaels had hypothyroidsm. Thanks for the encouragement. It gives me hope:smile: Its possible to look normal again!!!!
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, Ive been sticking to my diet goals, and like Lindsey said, I'll lose a pound only to come back the next week. I guess its just finding the right dose. Ive been getting treatment from my routine family dr. I think I should be seen by the endo. I'll keep you all posted.
  • I was Hyper and had my thyroid removed completly. Now Im hypo. I also take levothyroxin 200mcg to replace my thyroid. It is very hard to regulate your thyroid, some days my levels are fine and some days, extremely low. The meds take about 90 days for your body to regulate from them.
    Never give will happen! Keep eating healthy and exercise, you will soon feel the difference and the weight will start coming off.
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    With your thyroid removed and the meds you take, are you able to lose weight?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i have it to and have been on meds for years. On my last does i couldn't loose any weight no matter how lard i tried, i was tired all the time and had every side affect you get with the dr never wanted my does moved up as my levels were still coming out in the "normal range" but on the real low side. then i was reading articles, etc about how even if your on the low side a upper dose will make a huge difference. so she agreed to up it. Well it was about 2 weeks later and WOW did i notice a HUGE difference! all my symptoms have vanished! I still am having a very hard time loosing weight but at least i got one thing under control now. it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or so for some people to adjust to the new dose, so give it time.
  • criselia95
    criselia95 Posts: 18 Member
    I notice that Im not that sleepy lately, so maybe this dose is helping. I'll keep you posted.
  • toniti6er
    toniti6er Posts: 3 Member
    Make sure you take your meds within a one hour window away from iron and calcium. These two hender the absorbtion of your thyroid medication. I always take first thing in the morning with black coffee and do not eat breatfast for at least one hour. It runs in my family. I have been sucessful at losing weight after being diagnosed 10 years ago.