Fitbit Users

What do you do about the automatic calorie adjustment the fitbit gives you that's not specific exercise? Do you count it or ignore it?


  • Gshields42
    Count it. It is activity throughout the day, up to and including fast paced walking, jogging, or running.

    Don't double dip, though, by adding activities in MFP at the same time as high burn activity on FB.
  • stalksthedawn
    I've been adding in my workouts and counting those but not counting the automatic adjustment. This gets more confusing as I go lol.
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    i don't adjust a thing
  • pamjwis
    How does it come up with the FitBit adjustment? Mine seems rather arbitrary.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    How does it come up with the FitBit adjustment? Mine seems rather arbitrary.

    does it decide if you are sedentary or active, ect
  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    Would love to hear from other fitbit users what your average daily fitbit calorie adjustment is, mine is between 450 - 700 and that's besides the activity that I log?? I'm not loosing at the moment though I'm obviously a fairly active person, looking for some comparisons to put my mind at rest


  • tczizek
    I find the relationship between Fitbit and MFP to be completely different. On Sunday, according to Fitbit's website, I walked 4.17 miles, taking 9092 steps, burning 2646 calories with an activity score of 643. My Sunday MFP Fitbit calorie adjustment says 1 minute for 181 calories. It would seem like the calories should be the same. I entered no other exercise data in Fitbit. Besides, 2646 calories seems like lot for just casually walking around.
  • Gshields42
    That 2646 will include BMR, which should be the majority of your caloric burn for the day. 181 calorie adjustment in MFP means that you are burning only about 180 calories more than MFP was expecting. MFP uses a BMR * 1.3 or 1.4 (I forget which number) estimate for daily activity.
  • Shawna_831
    I noticed today that I had a Fitbit calorie adjustment around 100 and once I logged my workout, it adjusted down to a lower number. It looks like it will balance out correctly once you log your exercise.
  • Shawna_831
    Would love to hear from other fitbit users what your average daily fitbit calorie adjustment is, mine is between 450 - 700 and that's besides the activity that I log?? I'm not loosing at the moment though I'm obviously a fairly active person, looking for some comparisons to put my mind at rest



    Yesterday was my 1st full day wearing the fitbit to sync with MFP and my calorie adjustment was 535. I did not work out yesterday so that was just my normal activity. As far as today, it is 3:22pm and I worked out this morning and have a calorie adjustment of: 172 so far.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    I sort of ignore it. I am in maintenance mode so it's nice to know how much I am burning on a daily basis (not workout days) above what my BMR is. My BMR is 1124 and usually I have about 1700 calories of fitbit burn a day. I eat between 1400 and 1600 calories a day and am holding steady.

    Unless I have a super heavy cardio day I don't put exercise in MFP, just because I know I'm not going to eat those calories back anyway, unless I'm really hungry.
  • Shawna_831
    After ending my day with over 200 Fitbit calorie adjustments on top of my exercise calories I burned, I'm thinking I won't log my workouts now. I'm showing 32 calories left when normally I'd be over some after eating a not so good dinner.