Save me from the office break room...

Understand water is good for you, but is it true about coffee, tea, and sweets make you more hungry? I too am new to MFP, just starting out. trying to not go for that one cookie. I work in a office all day, and have not started a work out as yet. I hope my change in eatting will help me on the road. My weight loss has been a pound a week. Having trouble with finding new things to bring to the office to eat as everyone else is eatting the sweets. Fruit gets old. Help!!!!


  • Rhian_81
    Rhian_81 Posts: 49 Member
    I know how you feel. I am constantly surrounded by temptations in the office. Sometimes I cave in, sometimes I don't. When I do, I limit it, and try to think how much better I'll feel if I used those calories on substantial food rather than rubbish. Its about balance.

    I usually take a number of my own snacks with me, try to keep them to about 100-150 cal. Weigh some nuts, seeds, wasabi peas, a cereal bar, a yoghurt, fruit or whatever you fancy... Shake it up regularly so you don't get bored. And check out a company called graze box that do some amazing little snack pots...
  • dimplez711
    Same here, my friend/coworker just messaged me that she brought in cookies & cream brownies... :sad:

    One thing I try to make sure of is that I'm hydrated. I've read and learned through experience that sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst. So before the 2:30pm crave/crash hits, I make sure to chug water.

    If ultimately the cookie is still calling out to you, make note of it. What led you to the craving? Did you give in? How did it make you feel? Sounds cheesy, but could help you to nip the craving in the bud going forward.

    My pitfall is chocolate. So over the weekend, I started planning pre-measured/counted treats to bring to work so that I could avoid heading to the vending machine, or visiting my buddy's tray of brownies. I dipped some unsalted pretzels in a chocolate+instant coffee mix to help with the craving and give a little boost of energy. Then I brought a serving as my afternoon snack.

    As Jagged_01 said, make sure to mix it up. Boredom can lure you off the wagon. :wink:
  • henriettalady
    Thanks, I will check out graze box . Funny that is who I am, a grazer. Love to eat a little all day to have that taste in my mouth.

    A lot of people say they don't have time to work out, and that's how I feel right now. I have to learn to fit in some kind of work out in the week. I really want to get the ball rolling. Know I am on the right track with changing what I eat. Its a start. Thank you for your ideas.
  • henriettalady
    Around 2:30p is my crash time too! Most of the time I go for coffee, but that leads me into I want a taste of something to go with it.

    My 1st two weeks I did really good, made a menu, gro list, had all the snacks covered. Then when it was time to go back to the store, I was a a loss for new meals/snacks.

    Chocolate is my down fall so I will try your pretzels, sounds good. I miss ice cream too, any help with that?
  • dimplez711
    For ice cream, I get the ones that are portioned out already. It's too easy for me to go overboard when I get pints or gallons. So think like ice cream pops, sandwiches, cones, or even the individual cups. They could still be high in fat so just be sure to read the labels first. Skinny Cow is a little bit pricey, but tastes awesome!