Does anyone do TurboFire here???

I finally started, after months of procrastinating, last Monday and I ♥ it!! I had a question for anyone else that does it. Do you do the stretch classes? Today I did the core 20 class and then attempted to do the stretch 40, but after 10 mins I was sooo bored and wasn't feeling much of the "stretching" that I shut it off and finished doing a little stretch on my own.

I just cant get into the whole "yoga"type stretch thing. I took 1 yoga class at the gym months ago & the entire time I was looking at the clock bc I found it to be extremely lame and boring and a waste of time.

Does anyone else ever get this way about yoga? & If you do do turbofire, do you ever skip over the stretching?

Thanks ;)


  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    LOL! I hate yoga! I am doing a P90X/Turbofire hybrid right now. P90X has a 90 minute yoga DVD which I absolutely the 40 minute TF one is actually more tolerable for me. I have to say it is improving my flexibility. I usually do a HIIT workout in the am and the yoga when I get home from work.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I never do Stretch 40 either, it's too long and boring. I barely even do 10 but I know I should do it more, I need to work on my flexibility.
  • prettyinpink116
    prettyinpink116 Posts: 35 Member
    good so im not the only one hahaha :)
  • I'm doing a Chalean Extreme (wk 6) and Turbofire (just starting my 2nd week) hybrid.

    Love both of the programs. I don't do the stretch videos, I am fairly flexible and find the stretching w/ each workout is enough.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    LOL! I hate yoga! I am doing a P90X/Turbofire hybrid right now. P90X has a 90 minute yoga DVD which I absolutely the 40 minute TF one is actually more tolerable for me. I have to say it is improving my flexibility. I usually do a HIIT workout in the am and the yoga when I get home from work.

    I'm starting this hybrid this week also and I'm subbing the P90X Yoga with TF Stretch 40. As much as I use to complain about the Stretch 40, I will do that anyday over P90X version........the hour and a half was killing me. I still don't really like either but I will choose the one with the less time. With all of that being said, it does help with my flexibilty but it bores me to death.
  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    Stretching will reduce soreness and stiffness, and also helps with flexibility. That Stretch 40 is a bear, no doubt, but for me skipping it would be like someone weak in the arms skipping the bicep curls. It's only going to help in the long run.
  • freetobeme91
    freetobeme91 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm into my second week of the TurboFire Prep Schedule.
  • My wife is a Turbo girl, and she often skips the stretches other than Stretch 10. For those complaining about the P90X Yoga, I would suggest possibly looking into the Fountain of Youth yoga in the one-on-one series. It's only about 45 minutes and a GREAT workout / stretch / ab routine. Plus, it's only 45 minutes LOL!!! Really some yoga is better than none at all, and it is SO important. Tony Horton has even said if he could only do 1 workout, it would be Yoga. Hope this helps! :)